“The Hell We Are Living in”

Israel, Palestine and the Moral Suicide of the Western World

Part One

Less than three months ago (lest anyone forget) Benjamin Netanyahu had his bloody back up against the wall in Israel, politically speaking. On July 28th, it was reported in Reuters that Netanyahu’s stubborn (and quite frankly, fascistic) attempts to “reform” Israel’s judicial system was in fact jeapordizing the very safety of the country. “Israel’s air force chief on Friday warned that the country’s enemies may exploit its ongoing political crisis,” wrote Maayan Lubell of Reuters — meaning that Iran and Hezbollah were already honing in on Bibi’s blunders.

But by that time Israel was in a national uproar. Violent protests against Benjamin Netanyahu continued on a rolling basis, day after day, night after night, week after week. On July 25th, 2023, Israeli doctors declared a strike; two reservists in the IDF were punished for not heeding training call up, one being fined 1,000 shekels. All-black ads covered Israeli newspapers. One headline read, true to the Israeli’s low opinion of all things black, “A Black Day for Israeli Democracy.”

In layman’s terms, the new protests were triggered by the Israeli government’s attempt to grab more power for itself and essentially turn the country into a police state. Israel’s air force chief, Major-General Tomer Bar, already warned this macho lunatic (Bibi) that “the country’s enemies” — Arabs, that is, and more specifically Palestinian civilians of all stripes — were going to exploit Israel’s judicial overhaul in an attempt to wreck the country. Bibi himself was officially barred from involvement in the judicial reform because he was actually on trial for graft, of all things.

According to Ms. Lubell, “The (Israeli) government has been pushing for changes that would limit the Supreme Court’s powers to rule against the legislature and the executive, while giving coalition lawmakers more power in appointing judges.” Reading between the lines of Reuters it becomes clear that these clowns who make up the ruling coalition of Israel are total fascists who think the Israeli Supreme Court is “too left-leaning” for their tastes, and want to turn the fucking country into — like I said — a police state, with Bibi as Supreme Chancellor. Israel doesn’t have a constitution. “The panel for selecting judges requires politicians and judges who sit on it to agree on appointments. The present proposal would change that, giving coalition governments decisive sway.”

A palace revolt among the settlers…
Everyone is pissed at “Bibi” baby, except his fascist henchmen in the Knesset

The protests continued right on through August and into September, making many people believe that all Israel was going to collapse on Bibi’s watch. Considering what has happened in Israel and Gaza in retrospect, it is hard for me to quell the suspicion that Bibi — like Dubya on September 10–11, 2001, in case anyone forgot about that — knew what was about to happen but instead, chose to ignore it.

The protests against Bibi have actually been going on for three yearsthey continue to this very day, a week after the shit hit the fan the morning of October 7th, 2023.

That morning Hamas, along with five other belligerents against Israel, breached Israel’s “impenetrable” irone dome and stormed the “Supernova Sukkot Gathering” near Re’im, a kibbutz dating from 1949, and about a stone’s throw from the Gaza Strip itself. (I found out about it while wasting my time on TheColi.com instead of finishing my novel like I should have — like I really should be doing now, to be honest. But some things have to be said nonetheless.)

The oddly comical video clip of people rushing across the desert turned out to be Israelis fleeing an all-out massacre by the Palestinian Coalition. (The Western press keeps on braying about “Hamas.” The Palestinian Offensive is actually a coalition of six fighting forces.) Now anybody who knows anything about the Gaza Strip knows that it is one of the world’s most heavily patrolled and tightly controlled stretches of land. You can’t simply go in and out of Gaza freely, whether through the many checkpoints (a lot of which were actually closed over the years) or even from the sea: in fact, humanitarian efforts to assist Gazans from the sea have resulted in deaths at the hands of trigger-happy Israeli battleships. So the inevitable question is: how in the hell did Hamas and the Coalition managed to breach this asshole-tight security apparatus with armed hang-gliders, of all things?

Simple: Netanyahu’s political caveman antics over the winter and spring and summer of 2023 — and the resulting social and political turmoil in Israel — made such a thing possible. Bibi had been warned by his own henchmen that his antics would be detrimental to the country’s security. Hell, even Egypt had warned Bibi that things were not asshole-tight, but the Nodding Yahoo monkeyed around all summer long.

It’s my contention that Bibi, knowing he was cornered like a rat politically speaking, deliberately allowed for this crazy situation to escalate, essentially allowing Hamas and other militant groups to take advantage of the socio-political chaos in Israel and create a nightmare scenario that would, in effect, allow Bibi to have political carte-blanche. And here we are, ladies and gentlemen: at this point, with the whole neoliberal edifice basically at his feet, Bibi can do as he pleases.

Israeli settlers who were showing their genocidal racist ass before have now decided to show even more genocidal racist ass — and all of it couched in the most insane hyperbole. Look at how Hamas (eg., “Arabs”) shot up the “Sukkhot Gathering” at Re’im, they shout. Look at how they burned the Re’im kibbutz to the ground. They left absolutely nothing, not even memories. They killed upwards to 300 Israelis and even slit the bellies of pregnant women, raped and decapitated children, the elderly, etc., etc. And to back up their hysterical claims, they’ve even shown images of the decapitated and maimed Israeli children and blown up buildings. (The only problem with these “images” is that they are in fact images of decapitated and burned Palestinian children or, in some cases, AI-generated bullshit.)

This picture is from 2018
Israel bombing Gaza…in 2015
From 2018
From today: a bit of Israeli settler “humor”

Every Palestinian in the world, the Israeli settler now shrieks, must be exterminated. Palestinians (and their “lackeys,” who are all “nazi”) should be hunted down the world over, exposed the world over. Palestinians are “human animals” — of course, they’ve stopped short of calling them “monkeys” but hell, that’s not necessary when you’ve basically declared them unpersons worthy of being destroyed. As for supporters of these horrible Palestinian “animals,” they scream, we’ll show these scum, these cockroaches and “leftist” pieces of shit. Forget all that crap about “never again” or “nie wieder” — why, all that stuff is for losers!!*

If you were to listen to the psychotic, unhinged ravings of idiots like Nikki HaleyLindsey Graham and every other pro-Israel hack in the U.S. Government, you would take leave of your senses and forget precisely why Palestinian resistance would butcher 275+ people in the middle of the desert, and at a hipster rave, no less. You would scratch your head in perplexed outrage, wondering why on earth would these “Ay-rabs” choose the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War to do such a dastardly thing.

Well, then. Why?

A hypothetical question of course, but why?

First of all — ostensibly, anyway — it made absolutely no sense why a bunch of spoiled, pampered Israeli hipsters chose to throw a fucking dope rave a literal stone’s throw from Gaza. But since Israelis have a long and distinguished history of doing shit like this, let’s just say they were being more than a little provocative. When close to 2 million people are packed in an urban hellscape only 141 square miles long; a place where adequate food, water, heating and other basic amenities are in terribly short supply, and where the majority of residents are under the age of 18, one can’t be too surprised that the outcome was catastrophic. Not only was the concept foolhardy to begin with, it was more than disrespectful: it was the moral equivalent of Charlie and his Orchestra throwing a swing concert just outside of Auschwitz.

White, western moderates (or even liberals) naturally will find this moral equivalent outrageous. Judeophobes themselves, they love to point to the fact (and usually through a Jewish voice) that the State of Israel’s existence was founded on clear, solid moral principle–as the world’s compensation to the Jewish people as a result of the Holocaust. This simply isn’t true.

The cold, hard reality is that Israel was created by the West simply because the West didn’t want Jews in their respective nations. We all know why, of course. The real aim of the Balfour declaration of 1917 was to create a kind of dumping ground for the Jewish people, NOT (as many will violently insist) a “return,” not a “homeland.” The West (aka, white people) never liked Jews. All that goyish babble about the Rotschilds, about “usury,” about “blood libel” and all that crap was simply a bundle of cheap alibis concocted by various European “thinkers” to rationalize their continuing perscutions, massacres and expulsions of Jews from their respective countries.

By dumping the Jews into a settler state-slash-Anglo-American colonial outpost, the British essentially killed two birds with one stone: number one, they all but quashed any possibility of democracy emerging in the Arab world; and two, they essentially made Jews the ultimate historical heel in this debacle by making them the settlers of Palestine rather than the British, the French or the Turks. The British had already figured out that this region of the world was a deeply contentious one politically and historically speaking. Being deeply anti-Semitic themselves (and double anti-Semites at that: they couldn’t stand Arabs, either), they felt that Western interests would best be served with Israelis being the cops of the Middle East while the Americans, Brits, French and others helped themselves to the natural resources of the Middle East (with a little help from the Saudis). While one shouldn’t forget France’s role in the creation of the Syrian catastrophe, one should not sleep on the fact that the British (after the Ottomans) have been the real historical boogeymen in the Levant. (In fact many of the great global disasters you see unfolding in the world today have their origins in the sly and sinister machinations of British imperialists such as Lord Curzon, the literal mastermind behind most of the shit that has transpired between India, Pakistan and Bangladesh from 1906 onward.)

By shifting responsibility for the political situation in the Levant to the Israelis, the British effectively wiped their hands clean from 1948 onward. The British were not dumb (well, up to a point: they’re extremely clever), knowing that both Israelis and Palestinians were combative and hot-headed about their respective situations. How could they not be, seeing that Israelis had just fled the Holocaust and that Palestinians had been chafing under centuries of Ottoman rule and under more recent British rule — as well as the tensions caused by Britain allowing for Jewish settlement in Palestine?

The British obviously figured that in the very end the Israelis would freak out, commit a settler colonial genocide against Palestinians and eventually set themselves up as a major heel of history, literally on a par with Nazi Germany. It is my contention that those Jews who fell for the Zionist movement got played like a fiddle — by Europe, and above all by England. Europe was simply fed up with Jews in precisely the same way that the United States, in the early 19th century, was already fed up with Africans.

Allison Wiltz, a blogger on medium.com, extensively referenced Liberia in an essay explaining why African Americans — Arab racism notwithstanding — tend to show solidarity with the Palestinian cause. This is not as irrelevant as it sounds on the surface. In fact, I believe that Black people cannot fully understand the Israeli situation unless they have some grasp of the equally horrific situation in Liberia. Both nations were founded on similar principles and with similar intent: just as many Europeans were keen of removing Jews from European soil many Americans of the 19th century (among them that Great Liberator Abraham Lincoln) were particularly keen of de-blacking America. What needs to be discussed in this context, of course, is what happened to the freed black American slave once he became the ruling minority in Liberia.

Long story short: in Liberia the former Black American slave became a settler, an “Americo-Liberian” — a brutal, bloodthirsty oppressor who, for 133 years, treated the indigenous West African in his new “homeland” with the same utter contempt that the white American once showed him. The indigenous West African, in fact, often lashed out against his Afro-American oppressor with the same kind of violence that Hamas, Hezbollah and the PLO have historically visited upon Israel. The loathsome William Tolbert — the late dictator of Liberia — was morally on the same low road as those old alterkackers and warmongers Menachem Begin, Itzhak Shamir, Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon and of course, Bibi the Butcher.

I know this has been said literally a million times before, but it must be said a million times again until some of you buttholes out there understand precisely what is going on. This is not a fucking Bugs Bunny cartoon. Israel is not a force for good in the world and is not a democratic state. Many Israelis themselves actually loathe the place or — at the very least —loathe the idiot who is in control of it. Israel has made it blatantly clear that it is a racist apartheid ethnostate with no set geographic boundaries — meaning, of course, it intends to grab more land for itself over the coming decades.

Apartheid is Mississippi-style Jim Crow on steroids. Apartheid is a crime against humanity. It’s the Israelis, remember, who are the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity and not the other way around. Why? Because Israel has the resources to persecute and rob an entire people of their humanity; Palestinians don’t. They don’t have a country; the Gaza Strip doesn’t count, even though it’s currently being managed by Hamas, an entity virtually created BY Israel as a political counter-weight to the Marxist and secular PLO. (Israel hates Commies.) When you have an actual wall separating Arabs from the Israelis, you have apartheid. When you have Palestinian workers jumping through perilous and demeaning hoops each morning to get to work to feed their families, you have fucking apartheid. When 155,000 of your own people are slaughtered for shits and giggles over the span of a decade (not counting previous decades from 1928) you have what amounts to defacto genocide.

Israel being…Israel

And when, in rebelling against such appalling and dehumanizing conditions, the oppressed Palestinians of Gaza decide to revolt and kill their oppressors (like the Americans did in 1775, in case anyone forgot), you have a revolution. It is the same kind of war that the French fought against Louis XI, but you can’t say that in today’s Western World. The white man doesn’t want to hear it. But he has to hear it even if it kills him: when oppressed people are finally pushed so that their backs are against the wall, they will explode and do things their own way. They are going to burn shit down; they are going to kill their oppressors. It’s not going to be “pretty” or “exotic.” As one of your “Founding Fathers” himself said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots.”

Thomas Jefferson said that. And yes, Johnny-boy, he owned slaves. But that’s not the point. The point is that when the oppressed seize the initiative to free themselves, they won’t do it in such a way that makes you “feel good.” They don’t give a fuck about “raves” or anything like that. They don’t consult your little handbooks on “how to deal with oppression.” They have decided to “de-Orientalize” themselves by any and all necessary means. And just in case you motherfuckers haven’t noticed, THAT is the thing that separates the adults from sniveling, snotty-nosed little children like yourselves.

*Note: The Canary Mission was created precisely to root out all these demonic individuals who would dare think ill of Israel and question its motives for even existing. So far this “Mission” has spilled the dirt on an appalling number of anti-Semitic “animals” who have shown solidarity with Palestine — among them, naturally, those schwoogies Marc Lamont Hill and Cornel West. Oddly enough, however, Kanye West doesn’t seem to be on this list.