“The Hell We Are Living in”

Israel, Palestine and the Moral Suicide of the Western World

Part One

Less than three months ago (lest anyone forget) Benjamin Netanyahu had his bloody back up against the wall in Israel, politically speaking. On July 28th, it was reported in Reuters that Netanyahu’s stubborn (and quite frankly, fascistic) attempts to “reform” Israel’s judicial system was in fact jeapordizing the very safety of the country. “Israel’s air force chief on Friday warned that the country’s enemies may exploit its ongoing political crisis,” wrote Maayan Lubell of Reuters — meaning that Iran and Hezbollah were already honing in on Bibi’s blunders.

But by that time Israel was in a national uproar. Violent protests against Benjamin Netanyahu continued on a rolling basis, day after day, night after night, week after week. On July 25th, 2023, Israeli doctors declared a strike; two reservists in the IDF were punished for not heeding training call up, one being fined 1,000 shekels. All-black ads covered Israeli newspapers. One headline read, true to the Israeli’s low opinion of all things black, “A Black Day for Israeli Democracy.”

In layman’s terms, the new protests were triggered by the Israeli government’s attempt to grab more power for itself and essentially turn the country into a police state. Israel’s air force chief, Major-General Tomer Bar, already warned this macho lunatic (Bibi) that “the country’s enemies” — Arabs, that is, and more specifically Palestinian civilians of all stripes — were going to exploit Israel’s judicial overhaul in an attempt to wreck the country. Bibi himself was officially barred from involvement in the judicial reform because he was actually on trial for graft, of all things.

According to Ms. Lubell, “The (Israeli) government has been pushing for changes that would limit the Supreme Court’s powers to rule against the legislature and the executive, while giving coalition lawmakers more power in appointing judges.” Reading between the lines of Reuters it becomes clear that these clowns who make up the ruling coalition of Israel are total fascists who think the Israeli Supreme Court is “too left-leaning” for their tastes, and want to turn the fucking country into — like I said — a police state, with Bibi as Supreme Chancellor. Israel doesn’t have a constitution. “The panel for selecting judges requires politicians and judges who sit on it to agree on appointments. The present proposal would change that, giving coalition governments decisive sway.”

A palace revolt among the settlers…
Everyone is pissed at “Bibi” baby, except his fascist henchmen in the Knesset

The protests continued right on through August and into September, making many people believe that all Israel was going to collapse on Bibi’s watch. Considering what has happened in Israel and Gaza in retrospect, it is hard for me to quell the suspicion that Bibi — like Dubya on September 10–11, 2001, in case anyone forgot about that — knew what was about to happen but instead, chose to ignore it.

The protests against Bibi have actually been going on for three yearsthey continue to this very day, a week after the shit hit the fan the morning of October 7th, 2023.

That morning Hamas, along with five other belligerents against Israel, breached Israel’s “impenetrable” irone dome and stormed the “Supernova Sukkot Gathering” near Re’im, a kibbutz dating from 1949, and about a stone’s throw from the Gaza Strip itself. (I found out about it while wasting my time on TheColi.com instead of finishing my novel like I should have — like I really should be doing now, to be honest. But some things have to be said nonetheless.)

The oddly comical video clip of people rushing across the desert turned out to be Israelis fleeing an all-out massacre by the Palestinian Coalition. (The Western press keeps on braying about “Hamas.” The Palestinian Offensive is actually a coalition of six fighting forces.) Now anybody who knows anything about the Gaza Strip knows that it is one of the world’s most heavily patrolled and tightly controlled stretches of land. You can’t simply go in and out of Gaza freely, whether through the many checkpoints (a lot of which were actually closed over the years) or even from the sea: in fact, humanitarian efforts to assist Gazans from the sea have resulted in deaths at the hands of trigger-happy Israeli battleships. So the inevitable question is: how in the hell did Hamas and the Coalition managed to breach this asshole-tight security apparatus with armed hang-gliders, of all things?

Simple: Netanyahu’s political caveman antics over the winter and spring and summer of 2023 — and the resulting social and political turmoil in Israel — made such a thing possible. Bibi had been warned by his own henchmen that his antics would be detrimental to the country’s security. Hell, even Egypt had warned Bibi that things were not asshole-tight, but the Nodding Yahoo monkeyed around all summer long.

It’s my contention that Bibi, knowing he was cornered like a rat politically speaking, deliberately allowed for this crazy situation to escalate, essentially allowing Hamas and other militant groups to take advantage of the socio-political chaos in Israel and create a nightmare scenario that would, in effect, allow Bibi to have political carte-blanche. And here we are, ladies and gentlemen: at this point, with the whole neoliberal edifice basically at his feet, Bibi can do as he pleases.

Israeli settlers who were showing their genocidal racist ass before have now decided to show even more genocidal racist ass — and all of it couched in the most insane hyperbole. Look at how Hamas (eg., “Arabs”) shot up the “Sukkhot Gathering” at Re’im, they shout. Look at how they burned the Re’im kibbutz to the ground. They left absolutely nothing, not even memories. They killed upwards to 300 Israelis and even slit the bellies of pregnant women, raped and decapitated children, the elderly, etc., etc. And to back up their hysterical claims, they’ve even shown images of the decapitated and maimed Israeli children and blown up buildings. (The only problem with these “images” is that they are in fact images of decapitated and burned Palestinian children or, in some cases, AI-generated bullshit.)

This picture is from 2018
Israel bombing Gaza…in 2015
From 2018
From today: a bit of Israeli settler “humor”

Every Palestinian in the world, the Israeli settler now shrieks, must be exterminated. Palestinians (and their “lackeys,” who are all “nazi”) should be hunted down the world over, exposed the world over. Palestinians are “human animals” — of course, they’ve stopped short of calling them “monkeys” but hell, that’s not necessary when you’ve basically declared them unpersons worthy of being destroyed. As for supporters of these horrible Palestinian “animals,” they scream, we’ll show these scum, these cockroaches and “leftist” pieces of shit. Forget all that crap about “never again” or “nie wieder” — why, all that stuff is for losers!!*

If you were to listen to the psychotic, unhinged ravings of idiots like Nikki HaleyLindsey Graham and every other pro-Israel hack in the U.S. Government, you would take leave of your senses and forget precisely why Palestinian resistance would butcher 275+ people in the middle of the desert, and at a hipster rave, no less. You would scratch your head in perplexed outrage, wondering why on earth would these “Ay-rabs” choose the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War to do such a dastardly thing.

Well, then. Why?

A hypothetical question of course, but why?

First of all — ostensibly, anyway — it made absolutely no sense why a bunch of spoiled, pampered Israeli hipsters chose to throw a fucking dope rave a literal stone’s throw from Gaza. But since Israelis have a long and distinguished history of doing shit like this, let’s just say they were being more than a little provocative. When close to 2 million people are packed in an urban hellscape only 141 square miles long; a place where adequate food, water, heating and other basic amenities are in terribly short supply, and where the majority of residents are under the age of 18, one can’t be too surprised that the outcome was catastrophic. Not only was the concept foolhardy to begin with, it was more than disrespectful: it was the moral equivalent of Charlie and his Orchestra throwing a swing concert just outside of Auschwitz.

White, western moderates (or even liberals) naturally will find this moral equivalent outrageous. Judeophobes themselves, they love to point to the fact (and usually through a Jewish voice) that the State of Israel’s existence was founded on clear, solid moral principle–as the world’s compensation to the Jewish people as a result of the Holocaust. This simply isn’t true.

The cold, hard reality is that Israel was created by the West simply because the West didn’t want Jews in their respective nations. We all know why, of course. The real aim of the Balfour declaration of 1917 was to create a kind of dumping ground for the Jewish people, NOT (as many will violently insist) a “return,” not a “homeland.” The West (aka, white people) never liked Jews. All that goyish babble about the Rotschilds, about “usury,” about “blood libel” and all that crap was simply a bundle of cheap alibis concocted by various European “thinkers” to rationalize their continuing perscutions, massacres and expulsions of Jews from their respective countries.

By dumping the Jews into a settler state-slash-Anglo-American colonial outpost, the British essentially killed two birds with one stone: number one, they all but quashed any possibility of democracy emerging in the Arab world; and two, they essentially made Jews the ultimate historical heel in this debacle by making them the settlers of Palestine rather than the British, the French or the Turks. The British had already figured out that this region of the world was a deeply contentious one politically and historically speaking. Being deeply anti-Semitic themselves (and double anti-Semites at that: they couldn’t stand Arabs, either), they felt that Western interests would best be served with Israelis being the cops of the Middle East while the Americans, Brits, French and others helped themselves to the natural resources of the Middle East (with a little help from the Saudis). While one shouldn’t forget France’s role in the creation of the Syrian catastrophe, one should not sleep on the fact that the British (after the Ottomans) have been the real historical boogeymen in the Levant. (In fact many of the great global disasters you see unfolding in the world today have their origins in the sly and sinister machinations of British imperialists such as Lord Curzon, the literal mastermind behind most of the shit that has transpired between India, Pakistan and Bangladesh from 1906 onward.)

By shifting responsibility for the political situation in the Levant to the Israelis, the British effectively wiped their hands clean from 1948 onward. The British were not dumb (well, up to a point: they’re extremely clever), knowing that both Israelis and Palestinians were combative and hot-headed about their respective situations. How could they not be, seeing that Israelis had just fled the Holocaust and that Palestinians had been chafing under centuries of Ottoman rule and under more recent British rule — as well as the tensions caused by Britain allowing for Jewish settlement in Palestine?

The British obviously figured that in the very end the Israelis would freak out, commit a settler colonial genocide against Palestinians and eventually set themselves up as a major heel of history, literally on a par with Nazi Germany. It is my contention that those Jews who fell for the Zionist movement got played like a fiddle — by Europe, and above all by England. Europe was simply fed up with Jews in precisely the same way that the United States, in the early 19th century, was already fed up with Africans.

Allison Wiltz, a blogger on medium.com, extensively referenced Liberia in an essay explaining why African Americans — Arab racism notwithstanding — tend to show solidarity with the Palestinian cause. This is not as irrelevant as it sounds on the surface. In fact, I believe that Black people cannot fully understand the Israeli situation unless they have some grasp of the equally horrific situation in Liberia. Both nations were founded on similar principles and with similar intent: just as many Europeans were keen of removing Jews from European soil many Americans of the 19th century (among them that Great Liberator Abraham Lincoln) were particularly keen of de-blacking America. What needs to be discussed in this context, of course, is what happened to the freed black American slave once he became the ruling minority in Liberia.

Long story short: in Liberia the former Black American slave became a settler, an “Americo-Liberian” — a brutal, bloodthirsty oppressor who, for 133 years, treated the indigenous West African in his new “homeland” with the same utter contempt that the white American once showed him. The indigenous West African, in fact, often lashed out against his Afro-American oppressor with the same kind of violence that Hamas, Hezbollah and the PLO have historically visited upon Israel. The loathsome William Tolbert — the late dictator of Liberia — was morally on the same low road as those old alterkackers and warmongers Menachem Begin, Itzhak Shamir, Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon and of course, Bibi the Butcher.

I know this has been said literally a million times before, but it must be said a million times again until some of you buttholes out there understand precisely what is going on. This is not a fucking Bugs Bunny cartoon. Israel is not a force for good in the world and is not a democratic state. Many Israelis themselves actually loathe the place or — at the very least —loathe the idiot who is in control of it. Israel has made it blatantly clear that it is a racist apartheid ethnostate with no set geographic boundaries — meaning, of course, it intends to grab more land for itself over the coming decades.

Apartheid is Mississippi-style Jim Crow on steroids. Apartheid is a crime against humanity. It’s the Israelis, remember, who are the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity and not the other way around. Why? Because Israel has the resources to persecute and rob an entire people of their humanity; Palestinians don’t. They don’t have a country; the Gaza Strip doesn’t count, even though it’s currently being managed by Hamas, an entity virtually created BY Israel as a political counter-weight to the Marxist and secular PLO. (Israel hates Commies.) When you have an actual wall separating Arabs from the Israelis, you have apartheid. When you have Palestinian workers jumping through perilous and demeaning hoops each morning to get to work to feed their families, you have fucking apartheid. When 155,000 of your own people are slaughtered for shits and giggles over the span of a decade (not counting previous decades from 1928) you have what amounts to defacto genocide.

Israel being…Israel

And when, in rebelling against such appalling and dehumanizing conditions, the oppressed Palestinians of Gaza decide to revolt and kill their oppressors (like the Americans did in 1775, in case anyone forgot), you have a revolution. It is the same kind of war that the French fought against Louis XI, but you can’t say that in today’s Western World. The white man doesn’t want to hear it. But he has to hear it even if it kills him: when oppressed people are finally pushed so that their backs are against the wall, they will explode and do things their own way. They are going to burn shit down; they are going to kill their oppressors. It’s not going to be “pretty” or “exotic.” As one of your “Founding Fathers” himself said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots.”

Thomas Jefferson said that. And yes, Johnny-boy, he owned slaves. But that’s not the point. The point is that when the oppressed seize the initiative to free themselves, they won’t do it in such a way that makes you “feel good.” They don’t give a fuck about “raves” or anything like that. They don’t consult your little handbooks on “how to deal with oppression.” They have decided to “de-Orientalize” themselves by any and all necessary means. And just in case you motherfuckers haven’t noticed, THAT is the thing that separates the adults from sniveling, snotty-nosed little children like yourselves.

*Note: The Canary Mission was created precisely to root out all these demonic individuals who would dare think ill of Israel and question its motives for even existing. So far this “Mission” has spilled the dirt on an appalling number of anti-Semitic “animals” who have shown solidarity with Palestine — among them, naturally, those schwoogies Marc Lamont Hill and Cornel West. Oddly enough, however, Kanye West doesn’t seem to be on this list.

The Shea-Butter Boogie

Against the new Pork Chop Intellectuals of the Digital Age

Porkchop pseudo-intellectualism has been a huge problem in Black America for decades. In fact, in 1967 (the very year I was born) Harold Cruse essentially complained about the exact same thing in an entire book, entitled The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual. A few passages stand out:

“(Black writers) are not getting down to the facts of class factors in our struggle for freedom because they are not telling the truth about whose freedom we are fighting for and who is going to do what with whose freedom once ‘we’ get it…They are lost sheep bleating to the God of Freedom for their deliverance…(T)hey analyze nothing and clarify less and less and heap confusion on top of confusion.”

“It is…an unfortunate development in Negro life that political interracialism has become so doctrinaire that certain nationalistic Negroes have been forced to resort to race hate in order to block out the negative effect of interracialism on ethnic consciousness. All race hate is self-defeating in the long run because it distorts the critical faculties.”

Above all, this one passage seems to stand out:

“The special role of the Negro intellectual is a cultural one. He should take to the rostrum and assail the stultifying blight of the commercially depraved white middle-class who has poisoned the structural roots of the American ethos and transformed the American people into a nation of intellectual dolts. He should explain the economic and institutional causes of this American cultural depravity. He should tell Black America how and why Negroes are trapped in this cultural degeneracy, and how it has dehumanized their essential identity, squeezed the lifeblood of their inherited cultural ingredients out of them, and then relegated them to the cultural slums.”

The last passage, in which Cruse references “cultural slums,” is prescient. One has to be brutally honest here in assessing precisely what has happened to Black American culture since 1967. Fifty-six years ago there still existed a Black Arts Movement (mostly a bohemian/intellectual movement) as well as a general flourishing of Black music at that time in all genres, and the Black cultural arbiters from that very year today read like a Who’s Who of African American legends (Jimi Hendrix, James Brown, Ike and Tina Turner, Nina Simone, Booker T and the MGs, Aretha Franklin, Lena Horne, Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx, Moms Mabley, Louis Armstrong (who had a hit at the time), Coleman Hawkins, Mary Lou Williams, Ben Webster, John Coltrane (who died that year), Alice Coltrane, Duke Ellington (still performing and deep into writing his Religious Suites), Amiri Baraka, Ralph Ellison, Ishmael Reed (The Freelance Pallbearers came out that year), James Baldwin, John Oliver Killens, David Henderson, Calvin Hernton, John A. Williams (“The Man Who Cried I Am”), Mari Evans, Gwendolyn Brooks, Margaret Walker Alexander (“Jubilee”) Joe Jordan, Noble Sissle, Eubie Blake (whose own musical comeback in ragtime was just a couple years away). After looking at this impressive (and very incomplete) cultural roster for 1967, one has to wonder just what in the hell Harold Cruse was bellyaching about when he wrote the above lines.

But one also has to keep in mind that Cruse was born in 1915 (he died in 2006) and, in addition to having studied extensively the history of American culture (from a New York perspective, chiefly Harlem) had a deep memory of the New York cultural scene stretching back at least to the Great Depression. The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual was, in a nutshell, the writing on the wall for the late Sixties, warning Black America of yet another impending (and far worse) “cultural slum” that the American white cultural elite was going to box them into.

And here we are in 2023. If it were at all possible to take a time machine back to the “cultural slums” of 1967, Black American culture today would look more like what it really is: some rotting dystopian hell-scape, far worse even than any Brazilian favela or Yemeni shanty-town. In fact it’s generally agreed upon these days that Black American culture is absolute TRASH.

Unfortunately, as one can see by clicking the above links, most of those declaiming the worthlessness of Black American (or Black Western) culture are themselves largely responsible for keeping Black culture in its current trashy state. They represent the more conservative wing of the Shea Butter Pork Chop “Intellectuals.” Of course they are not really intellectuals at all but a bunch of mid-shelf social media celebrities who’ve made a name for themselves gossiping (for the most part) about irrelevant shit, much of it having something to do with sex or some childish beef between one empty-headed “rapper” and another.

Politically speaking, it is rather hard to pin them down. On the far right of the spectrum you have the deranged and loony ankh-right, mostly male of course (some of them are so crazy they actually believe that child rape is something acceptable!!) — the most prominent of whom have found comfortable niches on social media flim-flamming gullible, credulous and (sadly) very ignorant black folk out of their hard-earned dollars to support the building of schools, museums, shopping malls, businesses, etc., that naturally fail to materialize on their opening date.

Further to the left, the Afropunk rejects (the true shea butter crowd), the vast majority of whom tend to come from the middle and upper-middle-classes, take up the majority of the “intellectual” space. Of course there are those “serious” public intellectuals such as Cornel West and Ta-Nehisi Coates (whom many in Black America consider to be laughingstocks), Michael Eric Dyson and Marc Lamont Hill, the late bell hooks, etc. But to be honest, the latter crowd is largely a hangover of the Black intellectual failures of the 1990s-early 2000s. Today the “serious” intellectual space in Black America has become largely neglected in favor of Mickey Mouse bullshit masquerading as “serious” intellectual rigor, a perfect case in point being the “anti-racism” cottage industry (largely led by the Ibrahim Kendis of this world).

In reality, the “left” pork-chop intellectual crowd is largely female (and upper-middle-class) dominant, while the “right” team is largely petty-bourgeois or working class, male and tends to pal it up (during election time) with the MAGA monkeys. But one thing that both the left and the right pork-chop intellectuals have in common is their unhealthy fixation upon relationships, intellectual “rigor” be damned. (That last should be plainly obvious by their painfully bad grammar and awkward sentence structure.)

The “right” pork-chop side is dominated by Red-Pill and MGTOW ideology, predicated upon the premise that Western black women (chiefly American and Anglo-Saxon) put on too many airs and are running into the arms of some adolescent Hollywood fantasy hunk (or some decadent billionaire) over six feet tall. On the “left” side of the coin, the “swirlers” and part-time gay/lesbian (experimenting) folk have (on some occasions) taken to rejecting black men entirely as “dusty” and “trash.” In this author’s opinion, both are more or less right: none of these motherfuckers are sexy.

Why I Didn’t Like Zurich

…and didn’t even stick around to see Joyce’s tombstone

Okay. I have to admit that I do have one slightly positive thing to say about Zurich, which I had the misfortune of visiting last summer. It is a pretty little place, sort of. Not Paris pretty or even Venice pretty (judging from postcards and pics alone), but cute enough. Some pictures I took of the place last year can give you a rough idea of what I’m talking about.

Zurich, July 2022, taken by author

I didn’t see the whole town; I gave up after five hours or so and hopped on an early evening train back to Germany.

I wasn’t so much disgusted as I was simply bored and indifferent. Zurich struck me as a soulless place: smug, self-satisfied, insufferably upper-middle-class. After the third or fourth hour in that insanely expensive town (I didn’t bother renting out a hotel room for a night) I felt I’d seen enough for a lifetime.

Zurich reminded me of a grandiose shopping mall-slash-theme park for the well-heeled. From the moment I left the main station and entered the city I felt something was way off; the vibe felt wrong to me. I didn’t quite know what it was that felt wrong those first few minutes, but as I walked around the town, vainly hoping to lose myself in its somewhat vapid beauty for the next five or six hours, I found myself coming to the sad conclusion that Zurich was uninhabitable. And not just to live in Zurich (God forbid) but even for a fucking day-trip.

Zurich, July 2022. Taken by author.

Many of you reading this screed might vehemently disagree, which is perfectly fine. As the old saying goes, one man’s cesspool is another man’s paradise. If one is fine with spending 33 Swiss Francs (slightly over 34 euro in 2022) for a mediocre Syrian kebab that one can easily get in Munich or Hamburg for less than half that, be my guest. I haven’t seen enough of Munich to say anything about it (other than a lot of minstrelesque bullshit at the Hauptbahnhof last summer while escaping Zurich) — but I’ve seen enough of Hamburg to say that it is infinitely preferable to Zurich and just possibly, even Munich.

Hamburg, at least, is entertaining in a sick way. It has a huge lumpenproletariat that appears to have taken over the main bus station and at least one major park (from what I’ve observed), among other things. I’m not insinuating that alcoholics, junkies and prostitutes are something to be gawked at, as if they are walking minstrel shows. What I am saying is that in Hamburg there exists an entire spectrum of humanity that exists in some spaces there, usually out in the open around the Hauptbahnhof and in St. Georg; Hamburg’s being a seaport certainly contributes to this human spectrum. One sees all kinds of people in Hamburg; in Zurich, one merely sees a bunch of suburban schmucks drawn from every single corner of the globe, including Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.

Zurich’s racism seemed more low-key than the cruder East Berlin variety. Nonetheless, it certainly exists: it’s the “elegant” variety, where they look at you in a vaguely unpleasant way. One could easily dismiss these “racist” looks as imaginary, but when I was on the train riding from Schiffhausen (at the German-Swiss border) to Zurich I had the misfortune of locking eyes with some matchstick-sized, wannabe-supermodel-type of Asian descent. The woman saw the top third of my face (the other two-thirds shielded with a medical mask) and promptly winced in absolute disgust — thereupon setting the tone (so I felt) for what was to follow.*

Zurich, July 2022, photo by author

By my second hour in Zurich I was sweating profusely (it was extremely hot) and bored to tears. I went to a Syrian restaurant and was promptly seated next to a group of (presumably) very rich, smug and narcissistic-looking African dudes in designer sport clothes, who wolfed down what seemed like dozens of kebabs and sandwiches between them (and washed all that down with endless bottles of Perrier water and rare red wines. I merely ordered a Coke and a kebab.

The grand total for these two items was a whopping 40 Euros. The gay waiter who came out to shoo away the unbelievable clusters of flies and wasps from the little tables seemed quite agitated at the presence of Negroes seated out on the terrasse (the other diners pretended not to notice us) but like a real trooper, tried his damnedest to mask his irritation as the bourgie Africans ran up an outrageous tab and I sat there, trying to fucking eat and fighting off swarms of yellow-jackets and flies.

There were a few high points. I encountered an autistic Swiss guy (easily the friendliest person in town) with whom I had a slight misunderstanding because he wanted me to take a picture of him with his smartphone. Within the city, I found the architecture considerably less impressive than anything I’d seen in Sigmaringen, Pfullendorf or Schiffhausen, all extremely old (by German standards) Medieval towns with their original architecture more or less intact. (Unfortunately, and for some inexplicable reason, Schiffhausen is filled with buffoons and imbeciles of every known race and ethnic background. Maybe Schiffhausen is a poor man’s Zurich?)

Schiffhausen, July 2022. Photos by author. (Yes, the statuette on your right is that of a “Moor.”)

I’ve read from questionable sources (such as Quora, for instance) that Zurich has its racier side…about which I can care less. I could also care less that Joyce is buried there. (Going back down there to see his gravesite means actually means either flying down there or, at the very least, taking the train, which I am determined never to do again unless I absolutely HAVE to do it. And in that instance, somebody would have to pay me.)

The real highlight of Zurich, in my mind, was its amazing aqua-blue water. Were it not for the waterfalls and the spectacular mountains (which are even more stupendous further inland) I would have had virtually nothing to say concerning this place. It is white, middle-European blandness personified. In fact I think this whole post is me (more or less) just filling up space, haplessly babbling on about yet another neoliberal dystopia…a gilded dystopia with wings.

Zurich, July 2022. Photo by author

*Of course, that’s nothing special, since Uncle Toms and other assorted coons have a way of expressing openly what their white masters think privately. There were quite a few coons in Zurich but mercifully they all minded their fucking business: no hard stares, no wincing and half-whispered racial slurs, etc.

America, 2021: A Filthy, Rotten, Stinking, Broken-Down Plantation, Incapable of Change

This essay was written back in September, 2021, when the U.S. Border Patrol slipped back into Antebellum mode in dealing with Haitian refugees. In 2022 the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Border Patrol was doing similar things to Africans and South Asians at its borders with Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Today, the rotten, broken-down plantation that is the United States is rapidly pushing towards a Fourth Reich under the tutelage of lunatics such as RonDeSantis and Majorie Taylor Green, a piece of trailer trash masquerading as a Congresswoman.

I am preparing a new essay entitled America, 2023. It will highlight my thoughts on the current fascist takeover in the United States and the Western World in general. One thing we must remember about American fascism is that not only did it inspire the Nazis of Germany and the fascists of Italy, but that Europe took American fascist ideas to levels that even racist white Southerners did not dare tread. After all, Theodore Bilbo, James Vardaman and Strom Thurmond did not start any of the previous World Wars. Europeans did.


Foreign readers, beware: I could just as easily write the same words about any nation in Europe–including Germany. Particularly Berlin, where I unfortunately still live, and which is a state in itself (and everyone who lives here and can think would wholeheartedly agree that Berlin is a grotesque, dysfunctional failure run by bigots, junkies, potheads and sex maniacs who flock to the bathrooms of Berghain to let some random White dude piss in their mouth).

Actually, this short screed is about that other failed state across the pond called the United States of America, and above all about its inability to deal with its Black citizens as people.

In fact, let’s just tell it like it is. America, as far as the majority of African Americans are concerned (and this goes for all the Black immigrants who have been taught to see themselves as superior to African Americans), is just a fucking joke. It’s not even a country; it never was, really. It’s just a dirty-ass plantation run by gold- and power-junkies. It’s not the last, best hope on earth, as it loves to pretend to be. As far as we Black people are concerned it’s simply the biggest stumbling block that we in North America have to get over to come to full recognition of our collective humanity. As long as this *thing* called the United States (and everything adjacent to it) is not openly and aggresively confronted with its cruelty and inhumanity towards Blacks, the bullshit you see in the above picture will continue unabated for the foreseeable future.

Smokey Joe Biden’s attitude towards Haitian refugees (as opposed to his predecessor Trumps attitude towards Mexican/Salvadoran refugees, wherein he locked them up in steel cages like animals) doesn’t surprise me in the least. I didn’t expect shit from this geriatric motherfucker when he won the White House back in November and I definitely expect nothing from him now. This is the same old shriveled-up lace-curtain clown who was cozying up with old-school Southern Segregationists back in the 1970s, so why is anyone surprised?

As for the Haitian refugee crisis itself, this does not surprise me, either. It’s yet another of several that I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. I remember clearly that in the late 70s-early 80s, there was a deep reluctance to allow Haitians to immigrate to the United States (I also remember that an obscene number of them actually drowned trying to make it to Florida) as opposed to Cubans and El Salvadorans. And we all know why, don’t we? It’s because the Haitians, in the eyes of the Last Best Hope on Earth, are just a bunch of stupid, dirty, inferior, ignorant nappy-headed “Negroes”. (This is actually quite ironic because Haitian immigrants in the United States–especially in Florida–also see African-Americans as a bunch of inferior, ignorant, oversexed, smelly, drug-addled, nappy-headed “Negroes”!)

(And why wouldn’t they? Why not? It’s the only cultural frame of reference by which the Haitian can view the African American: through that of a drunken Klannie. It’s the American way, always has been and always will be until somebody has the balls to seriously confront Yank bullshit. The American “Dream” is nothing but divide and rule, nothing but setting “niggers,” “spics,” “gooks,” “fags,” “ragheads,” “injuns,” “trailer trash,”* etc., against each other and watch them fight to the death for the chicken bones Colonel Sanders or IBM or McDonalds or Amazon or some other dipshit multicorporation tosses our way every now and then.)

Speaking of Joe Biden’s America: I have had the good fortune of avoiding it myself, since I’m too busy dealing with the detritus of Angela Merkel’s increasingly racist, dysfunctional, provincial and insane Bore-lin, Germ-many. Smokey Joe is not that Orange thing; the Orange thing was too obvious. Smokey Joe on the other hand is the perfect manifestation of the banality of neoliberal evil. He really doesn’t seem like such a bad guy at all, which is precisely what is wrong about his picture.

Smokey Joe (like Obammy with his fake Chicago Boule glamour: picture a slightly reconstructed Iceberg Slim as president, without the profanity, and essentially, that’s Obammy in a nutshell) is just another schlub occupying the Oval Office. Smokey Joe with his geriatric Alfred E. Neumann smile, presiding over a nation that–at least from the vantage point of Europe–appears to be trying very hard to clean up the trash that Trump’s baboons left behind on January 6th. By withdrawing from Afghanistan–a nation that America had no business invading to begin with–he also appears to be cleaning up the mess that that other clown left behind. (That would be Dubya, who is still irredeemable, no matter how badly the Orange thing fucked up.) Actually, his withdrawal from Afghanistan was a low-key and tacit admission of total failure in confronting Islamic extremism in that nation, for the extremists now have total control over that nation. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya–all disasters that happened under Obammy’s watch–are all a shambles; Iran is facing economic ruin; Israel is even more reactionary and apartheid-driven than ever before, and Turkey (under Erdogan) thinks that it can revive a decadent, evil and nationalistic Ottoman regime that no one in the Mid-East (in his right mind) is going to accept.

All of this shit is happening because some decades ago, the United States made the cardinal mistake of trying to “democratize” the Middle East–that is, reshape the region in its own ugly image. Typically, the United States almost always brought total disaster. There should be no surprise as to why this happens since the so-called “civilization” that is the United States is “total disaster” personified–except, of course, for the upper- and upper-middle-class whites (and select coloreds) who benefit from said disaster.

We can easily segue back into talking about Haiti again because much of what Haiti is going through at the moment is directly the result of Yank meddling in Haiti’s affairs. Ofay-American Fuehrer Woodrow Wilson (in his “wisdom”) began fucking with Haiti in 1915 by sending troops to occupy the nation (as well as the Dominican Republic). It is no accident that 1915 was the same year that this ignorant Ofay screened “The Birth of a Nation,” America’s first “blockbuster” in cinematic history, in the White House, thereupon reigniting a long-dormant Ku Klux Klan. The Americans held on Hispaniola until 1934, by which time the elites of both Haiti and the Dominican Republic were sufficiently perverted enough to allow monsters such as Trujillo and the Duvalier wackos to run trains* on the people of both nations.

Haiti, of course, came out the biggest loser politically, socially, economically, structurally, ecologically, culturally. And once again, it is no mystery why this is so. It’s not that the island of Haiti is bereft of resources or incapable of supporting itself. Under French occupation in the 17th and 18th centuries Haiti (then Sainte-Domingue) was France’s most profitable colony in the world. It is no accident why the French fought tooth and nail to hold onto Sainte-Domingue. We can let C.L.R. James explain why, in his book The Black Jacobins:

Never for centuries had the Western World known such economic progress. By 1754, two years before the beginning of the Seven Years’ War, there were 599 plantations of sugar and 3,379 of indigo…In 1767 it exported 72 million pounds’ weight of raw sugar and 51 million pounds of white, a million pounds of indigo and two million pounds of cotton, and quantities of hides, molasses, cocoa and rum. Smuggling, which was winked at by the authorities, raised the official figures by at least 25 percent. Nor was it only in quantity that San Domingo excelled but in quality. Each coffee tree produced on an average a pound weight, equal sometimes to that of mocha. Cotton grew naturally, even without care, in stony ground and in the crevices of the rocks. Indigo also grew spontaneously. Tobacco had a larger leaf than in any other part of the Americas and sometimes equaled in quality the produce of Havana. The kernel of San Domingo cocoa was more acidulated than that of Venezuela and was not inferior in other respects, experience proving that the chocolate made of the two cocoas in combination had a more delicate flavor than that made from the cocoa of Venezuela alone. (James, C. L. R.: The Black Jacobins, Vintage Books, New York, 1963, p. 46)

This partly explains why the blackfaced comedian/gangsters who control Haiti today have no interest in revitalizing any of these economies. Economic revitalization, of course, would make Haiti one of the most prosperous countries in the American Hemisphere…providing that such industrialization proceed in an intelligent and socialistic fashion. Nobody in the world today could even dream of such a thing, not even Haitians themselves. Haitian Negroes, prosperous? And socialist, to boot? Nope. Not having it. Not as long as there is a France or above all, a United States. We don’t need a Caribbean haven for darkies the world over unless WE own it. Better to have Haiti lay in a perpetual shitty shambles than to let that happen.

One can very easily say of the Murkan what the late Hermann Broch once wrote of the Germ-man: “(He)… regards himself as a bringer of salvation and yet is inevitably a harbinger of disaster, because his doctrine is murder.”

P. Lewis, Berlin, November-December 2021

*A note to the KancelKulture Krowd (Twitter BlueCheckstm): these words, which were invented by your ancestors (and still used by you motherfuckers in private) are used within a specific context: to expose and ridicule the racist/classist contempt that the white oligarchs of the USA have for their non-white, non-Christian, non-hetero countrymen. Having said that, you can go back to your “safe spaces,” your private kitsch-worlds where poverty, exploitation, sexism, racism, war, disease, insanity, vulgarity, etc., etc. never existed. Sleep on.

The Weeds in Josep Borrell’s Little “Garden”

Josep Borrell says that Europe is a garden and the rest of the world is a jungle (for the most part, excluding Japan presumably). In this not so carefully coded speech (reminiscent of colonial era rhetoric) Borrell warns Europe that “The Jungle”–what a Japanese friend here in Berlin sarcastically refers to as “monkey countries”(Asia, Africa, etc.)–are going to trash the great white fortress.

Must it be reiterated yet again that Borrell, the good Catalan, conveniently forgets that this “jungle” he so snidely references is merely the end product of what he and his great European colonial forbears have made of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and most of the Americas?

This “jungle” is the creation of Europe. The inhabitants of that vast “jungle” have every moral right to question why is it that they are doomed to live in chaos while their counterpart lives luxuriously (by third world standards) at the expense of those who labor like actual slaves to maintain the luxury of that so-called “garden.” They have every moral right to demand change, to demand that the world in itself be a garden for all and not just a handful of Western elites living at the expense of 99% of the entire human race.

Clearly the EU is headed by people who think we are stupid or, at the very least, wish to believe that we are stupid. The EU likes to pretend that certain sections of its own vaunted “garden” are nothing but endless fields of lilies and roses when in fact they are very often nothing but poisonous weeds, morning glories at best, riddled with its own issues of poverty, alienation, structural racism, classism, etc. The weeds of Nazism in nearly all western countries in fact have begun to wreak havoc upon their little “garden”–nothing new in this, it has happened before: and as in the past one European country after the other has begun to fall prey to the vile Nazi weed.

It was inevitable that things would shape up this way because quite frankly, one of the most precious flora in this so-called European “garden” is in fact the Nazi weed, cleverly camouflaged as “nationalist pride.” Meloni ought to know herself. It is the height of hypocrisy on her part but this is to be expected from a hopelessly bankrupt and decadent West. At least she is absolutely right in pointing out that France is running an open con job on West Africa, that France still has fucking colonies, for crying out loud. The broken clock has actually been right this time. But Hitler was also “right”–and this must be understood strictly within the context in which I say it–when he, after being chided by the American press for his relentless persecution of Jews, hypocritically remarked, “look at how you treat Negroes.”

This remark does not make Hitler worthy of honor (he has already put himself in leagues with the Devil, if he isn’t one himself) but merely highlights an instance in which one villain points to the moral failings of another villain. So it goes with Meloni. If Meloni is willing to work with African nations in helping them to liberate themselves from the clutches of French exploitation, well and good. That would merely make her and her fascist gang a necessary evil. For Africans the main concern of course is ridding the continent of economic and political parasites such as France and China. If a two bit fascist can actually aid in this possibility then so be it.

Having said that, it does not even bear repeating that fascism will never be Africa’s friend.

The Western Alt-Right is Nothing but a Bunch of Old Rednecks in a Segregated Old Folks Home (Re: Bifo Berardi)

I’ve reposted this in light of the spirit of Mussolini returning to Italy, practically 100 years to the day he had his notorious Blackshirt March on Rome…in the guise of some aging pop-eyed blonde bimbo.


Excuse me? I meant to say the Western World in general, certainly not just the so-called “alt-right,” which is virtually its cultural-political mainstream at this point.

But if this is what the West (aka “Whitey-World”) wants, let them have it, and let them remember what happened to these buffoons the last time they pushed humanity into a global war.

The outcome was not great. The thousand year reich of Herr schickelgruber only lasted 12 years and that old bald-headed guido did not get his new Roman Empire: he wound up getting hung upside down like a leg of prosciutto in a Neapolitan market, along with his girlfriend. An enraged crowd literally staved his skull in.

We all know that Italians change governments the same way women change tampons so many people are shrugging off the victory of Giorgia Meloni as just another fluke. The fact is that Miss Pop-Eyes is the leader of a party (Fratelli d’Italia) which split from Berlusconi’s own right-wing party (Il Popolo della Liberta) with members drawn from another far-right party (National Alliance) which, in itself, was an extension of yet another far-right party (Italian Social Movement, active from 1945-1995) which was, God forbid, a literal carry-over from Mussolini’s own National Fascist Party. It is quite clear where Italy has been headed since at least the 20th Century Post-war era, thanks to the great wisdom of our own fucking CIA (which wanted to “stop Commonists” at all costs, even at the expense of arming terrorists, thugs and all sorts of degenerates): the same CIA which created the mess we now see in Iran (thanks to their deposing of Mossadegh in 1953, a legitimately elected Iranian socialist leader), in the Congo (after their assassination of Lumumba), in Afghanistan (after their funneling weapons to crazed Islamic jihadis in order to fight them Soviet “Commonists”), in Chile (after their destruction of Salvador Allende the ascension of maniac Augusto Pinochet), and so on and so forth.

Funny how so many of these dangerous political roads–and let’s not even begin to talk about who’s arming Ukrainian Azov fascists (not to be confused with Ukrainians in general, let’s make that clear) and at the same time sucking Putin’s dick underneath his desk)–lead back to Washington, D.C. Why? Because Washington will accept any old shitty government, no matter how brutal, no matter how racist, anti-Semitic, etc., as long as it isn’t “Communist”–i.e., as long as it doesn’t threaten American economic interests. They will bitch about China but China is practically a super-power at this point and besides, it is Communist in name only. The same can be said for North Korea, which is just a totalitarian hell-hole. Cuba is still being punished for throwing out United Fruit and the Mafia, two egregious insults to American pride. The true motto of America should be “Capitalism, Capitalism above everything in the world” (Kapitalismus Ueber Alles!!)

It doesn’t surprise me that Hillary Clinton herself can’t suppress even a smidgen of admiration for Giorgia Meloni, as if a woman being a potential totalitarian dictator (she will: it has been written into Italy’s future from the beginnings of its history: Italians love strong-men leaders, even if they have vaginas) is somehow a step forward for women in general. (Just imagine: a woman as leader of the Fourth Reich. Would it be somehow better if this leader were Black, Muslim, transgendered, and suffering from Down’s Syndrome all at once?)

Nope. No surprises on this end that Meloni won in Italy, or that Americans (and whites in general) strongly admire her. Meloni herself looks to me like a far-right Hillary Clinton, blonde hair, blue eyes, fat thighs and all.

Why Didn’t Anyone Else Think of That?

First off, a word or two about Earl Simmons.

He died about a month ago–I think it was a month. I’m not so sure. To be brutally honest, he’d never done much of value when he was alive, unless its value was completely in the negative. Earl was simply one of those lumpen-thug assholes who got Black America into the cultural cesspool that it’s in today. He was a poor man’s Tupac who spent his entire career upholding shitty stereotypes of Black men–namely, the drug-addled buffoon and Big, Burly Negro.

So, good riddance. Actually, it is rather sad that Earl died but he had to die in order to destroy DMX. He is not the topic of discussion anyway, but we can segue from DMX’s fraudulent con-art into the subject of “struggling.”

All his life this sad individual had been struggling not only with drugs, but (like Tupac) with the phony images of Black “masculinity,” Black “authenticity” and Black “culture”–images which he himself helped to reinforce. Sadly, Earl Simmons had built his entire self-image on these fake images. Earl Simmons was not a “nigger,” but he thought he was a “nigger”–hence, his wasted life and pathetic death. Too many Black men still see him as representative of an uncompromising Blackness. I’m not going to waste my energy explaining why all of this is absolute garbage. Re-read earlier posts I have made on the subject of this useless monkey culture, or if you feel insulted/triggered by everything I’ve said so far about “rap” and the late and unlamented DMX, listen to Eric Grimes’s take on it.

That is why I don’t give a shit about DMX. His “Blackness” was not organic; it was created by the same racist corporate white “Amerikkka” that you cats keep on shrieking about every hour of the fucking day. The same racist corporate white “Amerikkka” that you “struggle” against every hour of the fucking day (even as you put money in their pockets and seek out posh residences in their spaces–yes, I’m talking to you, Patrisse Cullors of fucking Los Angeles!!).

Baldwin addicts (there are a lot of them these days) please take note when he says that:

My own point of view, speaking out of black America, when I had to try to answer that stigma, that species of social curse, it seemed a great mistake to answer in the language of the oppressor. As long as I react as a “nigger,” as long as I protest my case on evidence of assumptions held by others, I’m simply reinforcing those assumptions. As long as I complain about being oppressed, the oppressor is in consolation of knowing that I know my place, so to speak.

Not only did Earl Simmons know his place in Cackistan, but so does “Black Lives Matter,” Incorporated.

A few nights ago I was listening to “House Hunters,” an episode of Champagne Sharks featuring “Trevor, Vida, Ken and Mario.” Somewhere around the thirty minute mark, Vida dropped a small ideological bomb when she explained why she left a so-called “revolutionary” group. Why? “Because,” she said, “they were rooted in struggle and not in progress.”


Who can improve upon this statement?

Furthermore, why didn’t I think of that? Hell, why didn’t anyone else?

It’s important to keep Vida’s statement in mind when regarding this huge rainbow of colorful, loud, impotent and empty “left” or “woke” movements. They are like weeds sprouting through the cracks of American neoliberalism. The vast majority of these movements are predicated around the same old tired theme of “struggle.” The word has such a powerful ring to it that when one hears that usual phrase “in the struggle,” very often one forgets exactly what a “struggle” really means.

Most importantly people have forgotten the whole purpose of a struggle: to move forward at all costs. Struggling is not an end in itself–not even for Trotskyites!!

I would also like to add that (and I didn’t hear part two of the podcast) “struggle” in and of itself has become a global cottage industry. In the United States, it has been for some time. Also the very term “struggle” has all but lost its original meaning. In Vietnam (as opposed to the USA) the “struggle” was an armed one, for the most part–like in Algeria, in Angola, in Cuba and today in certain parts of the Philippines, certain parts of Mexico, India, Israel-Palestine and other places. In the United States and other first world countries, “struggle” is a byword for hollow slogans, pasting up loud and empty posters (like, for instance, here in Berlin), wearing funky clothes, screaming obscenities at cops, etc.

In fact the First World Corporate Left has all but robbed the word “struggle” of any true meaning. George Soros and other corporate entities (such as Nestle) bankroll Black Lives Matter and in the process, they piss off professional Nazis the world over. This does not mean that Nestle is our friend. We should know damn well that these palm oil titans are not the sons of liberty–not when they are utilizing slave labor and destroying rain forests worldwide. This corporate-sponsored “struggle industry,” this Struggle-Industrial Complex, is simply a way of defusing righteous anger, a way of channeling mass discontent away from neoliberal hypernormalization and into online flippancy (re, the so-called “woke” and cancel cultures). BLM has long since exposed itself as a snob-ridden clique of uppity queens. They have succeeded brilliantly in using their homosexuality to guilt-trip/patronize those they feel are beneath them–and as alibis to maximize their own personal fortunes at the expense of their gullible and (quite possibly) somewhat ignorant followers.

That last has to be said, in order to emphasize how (for some people) being gay, black, transgender, a female, a Jew or a Muslim or Asian can be windows of opportunity for amoral and unprincipled assholes. Certain White supremacists have been doing this since the founding of the State of Israel–as if being Jewish gives one an alibi to be a flaming Breitbart. (Sheriff David Cl(d)ark(i)e pulls this same bullshit on behalf of the reactionary, bourgeois colored.)

But the gullible are equally guilty for falling for the same old political con. There is simply no excuse anymore for certain Black people to continue to be as ignorant of such things (and for the same reasons they patronize stores that treat them like shit). Apparently millions of African Americans have learned absolutely nothing since the end of the Black Power Era. Many never will, because they don’t care to; the will to change is just not there. That’s one major reason why the so-called “struggle-industrial complex” actually exists.

On a side note: why on earth are people still giving “Doctor” Umar (Shoemake) Johnson their fucking money? Ten years and counting and this coked-out walrus has yet to produce this “academy” he has been hyping for that time. He has spent a good deal of his time screaming at other assorted crackpots, ex-pimps, hotep-hustlers and the like, and all the silly drama/shenanigans is (again) lining his…

(On second thought, given his character, he’s probably better off (and we are definitely better off) just selling pipe dreams to gullible believers in pork-chop nationalism. Nobody really needs to have Mr. “Sniffles” Shoemake teaching anybody’s fucking kids–let alone some macho, misguided and reactionary cult-nat* bullshit.)


*For millennials who don’t know what a “cult-nat” or a “pork-chop nationalist”** is, it’s the same as a hotep. Gen-Xers like myself (I was born in 1967) used the term in the late eighties to describe “hoteps.” Likewise, “pork-chop nationalist” was used by the Black Panthers in a previous generation to describe the “hoteps” of their era (c.1965-c.1975)

**Interesting side note. After writing these lines, I just realized I had eaten pork-chops for dinner. However, this does not make me a reactionary nationalist.

Anti-Asian Racism: America Backsliding into “Yellow Peril” Bullshit in the 21st Century

Many people with brains are shocked at how Asians went from being the “model minority” one year to being moving targets the next. I’m not. Even as a kid I was well aware of the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War Two as well as Chinese Exclusion Acts and the late 19th Century massacres of Chinese Americans, of which (until very recently) virtually nobody in America wanted to discuss in a public forum. Other incidents–such as the Watsonville Riot of 1930 and the Bellingham Riots of 1907 (against Filipinos and South Asians, respectvely)–I’m just becoming aware of.

This whole Asian “model minority” myth was precisely that: a myth. That’s a very banal way of putting it, but what else can be said? Asian-Americans became a “model minority” only recently–well after World War Two, and after the Civil Rights Movement began to destroy that other “model minority”–the old-fashioned, humorous, humble “Southern Darky”–in the eyes of mainstream white America. Prior to World War Two, the average Asian American was perceived as a social menace by his mere existence. Economically, he was not much better off than the average African or Latino-American, and was further down the social-economic totem pole than he was on the cusp of the so-called Reagan Revolution. In fact “in 1960, Asian American men, who were born and raised in the United States, had much lower earnings than white Americans with similar years of schooling and experience”(Duleep and Sanders, The Economic Status of Asian Americans Before and After the Civil Rights Act).

Asian Americans became the “model minority” of post-1965 America as long as they toed the line (the thin white line) and accepted (or pretended to accept) the white American system of reality. Asians were considered “acceptable” as long as they voted Republican, were “hard workers” (read: hard at work reinforcing white American hegemony) and kept their heads down (read: being passive and “not complaining” about their lot, the same way those pesky nigs and PRs (Puerto Ricans) keep on doing in New York and elsewhere). Asians appeared—publicly, anyway—to accept their own double consciousness or at the very least, projected their own racial anxieties onto racial groups “beneath” them. Radical activists such as Yuri Kochiyama, and groups such as the Asian-American Political Alliance (which coined the term “Asian-American” as opposed to “Oriental,” which was another version of “Negro” or “colored”), “I Wor Kuen” or the Red Guard Party existed, but generally not commonplace.

When Soon Ja Du shot up Latasha Harlins (over a bottle of juice) or when Peter Liang defended himself by shooting up Akai Gurley, well—white America found all that perfectly acceptable. Why wouldn’t a hard-working, go-getting American defend him or herself against “Negroes”? (On the other hand Mohammed Noor shooting Justine Damond in Minneapolis was not: Noor was still a youknowwhat.)

(Below: a threatening letter written in 1930, from the Watsonville Riot; right: another threatening letter written this year)

The hollowness of the whole “model minority” myth was made evident after the COVID-19 epidemic. That COVID-19’s spread in the United States is primarily the fault of lazy whites who refuse to put on masks (as well as the Trump regime’s refusal to deal with the reality of COVID-19) mattered little. As usual. The epidemic became a clever alibi to attack Asians regardless of nationality. For whites, of course, the hidden alibi was Asian-Americans questioning their status on the American totem pole.

For the African-American and Latino-American, however, the alibi to beat up on Asians was slightly different. Blacks were and are knee-jerk reacting against Asian anti-Black racism (endemic in Asian-owned restaurants, nail salons, shopping centers and Asian-American minds/spaces in general). But when I see clips of Blacks terrorizing Asians they often look to me like a bunch of black-faced rednecks, pantomiming the same honky-shines they see in their Asian-American counterpart. In one of the most recent incidents, a middle-aged negro screeches at an Asian woman who tells him to put on a mask. “Smile for this, Chink!” the negro snarls, as he flips her the bird.

Alas, with incidents like the one above, the white mainstream media has decided (once again) to make Afro-Americans the face of anti-Asian racism. Note how in the above incident, the perpetrator’s face (as in several other incidents) was made public immediately. White liberals, who are no better than their conservative counterparts at the end of the day, did not mind (in their obscene hypocrisy) using their Asian tokens to call out African Americans and our supposed “hatred of Asians.” Yes, there are plenty of Afro-Americans who despise Asian-Americans; one sadly sees this playing out in the streets of North America every day; the above examples (including this most recent brouhaha) speak for themselves. But to paraphrase James Baldwin, in all seriousness, Black Americans are anti-Asian because they are anti-white; they rightfully perceive Asianness as being in closer social, economic and cultural proximity to whiteness, and as a result, they generally are–at the very least–as deeply suspicious of Asian-Americans as they are of anybody who isn’t, to them, recognizably Black. (The last emphasized statement is important, because many Black faces aren’t trusted, especially if they are foreign or of a lighter hue.)

#ADOS Dickhead Dwayne Grayson, February 28, 2020, after attacking an Asian man for kicks

All of which, of course, is not to excuse this New Black Fascism. Whether black-faced MAGATs or drunken hoteps, collectively it’s just reactionary black (bourgie) nationalism carried to its natural extreme. Nationalism begetting ultra-nationalism begetting chauvinism begetting bigotry begetting–fascism. Black fascists have taken the inherent (and sadly justifiable) paranoia of mainstream Black America and fashioned a new identity out of it, calling themselves #FBA (if they are on Papa Tariq’s side) or #ADOS (if they are on Quisling Carnell’s side) and other things. Since these clowns are more or less as racist as their reactionary, petty-bourgeois, Trump-supporting (or Hillary/Sanders/Biden-supporting) Asian counterparts, one should not be surprised to find them riding the crest of the Yellow Peril 2.0 wave. (Three decades ago, these same petit-bourgie coloreds were riding an anti-Semitic/anti-Korean wave with the same emotional lack of nuance, reacting to the same ugly responses from their equally fascist Jewish and Korean counterparts.)

The Biden Administration–in contrast to Trump dragging his paws last year–has been quick to step up to the plate and lobby for “anti-racist legislation.” But to be honest, the swiftness of Biden’s response to these racist attacks on Asians is because Asians, frankly, are much higher on the American totem pole–meaning, they are considered more acceptable to the white world than Blacks, and share ethnicity with nations that are either world powers or on the verge of becoming world powers. If it had been Senegalese, Haitians, Papuans (or Native Americans) being beaten up in New York or San Francisco, nobody would have given a shit.

Yet on second thought, neither white liberals nor white conservatives–to say nothing of white fascists–really give a shit about what is happening to Asian-Americans. After 21-year old incel Robert Aaron Long, white, Christian and sexually confused, murdered six Asian women in suburban Atlanta (plus two others), his massacre was lamely excused as a result of Long’s having had “a bad day.” (Equally lame excuses have been used to justify many other white moral failures, including the Charlottesville incident of 2017, the Dylan Roof Shooting and naturally the Capitol Insurrection of 2021.)

One of too many anti-Chinese cartoons of the 1880s

Michelle Malkin, who (all appearances notwithstanding) is really white, lay all the blame for these attacks (in her usual crude, clownish and stupid way) on “thugs of color“–niggers, of course. Please note that this is the same goofy bitch who has been the valve on the shrillest trumpets of pro-white bullshit for the past quarter-century. Michelle Malkin, who blamed the internment of Japanese-Americans on the Nisei themselves; Michelle Malkin, who goosesteps with the goddamn Groyper Army–recently exposed by the ADL as being a “white supremacist, anti-Semitic” organization, and whose own extreme right views essentially make her an enabler of domestic terrorism. (Years ago Margaret Cho, comedian and social commentator, felt compelled to come to her “defense”–if only to point out that Asian-Americans can be just as reactionary as coloreds like Thomas Sowell, Condoleeza Rice, Jesse Lee Petersen or the grandaddy of them all, Lawrence Dennis, the man whom Life magazine called in 1941 “America’s No. 1 Intellectual Fascist.”)

This kind of lunacy is equally common on the pseudo-left wing spectrum as well–especially in hip-hop. As Andrew R. Chow pointed out in an article three years ago, “Black and Asian artists too often use hip-hop to reduce each other into stereotypes at a time when genuine solidarity is needed more than ever.”

Han Fascist-Chauvinist Fuckery from Weibo…assuming the translations are correct.

“I love the Orientals,” spouted one of these toothless old white ethnics,* presumably some Italian guy who had hated “mulignans” his entire life–why, he probably didn’t want to know. He “loved” the “Orientals” because he saw them (the Chinese, of course) as one big race of Uncle Toms. “Moulies” and “spics” were a threat, no matter how hard-working, Republican or bourgeois. One can rest assured that during World War Two, this same fool was probably running through the jungles of Burma after the “Japs” (or were the “Japs” coming after him??). Today his junkie grandson is running through the jungles of New Jersey, Washington state, Oregon, or some other God-forsaken hole shrieking his white ass off about “China virus!” and “Fuck China” and all that other rubbish. In fact, one should not be surprised to find his grandfather right there with him, brandishing an axe-handle or a machete, screaming about “fucking Asians.”

Don’t even ask why such things happen. The answer is obvious. It doesn’t really have anything to do with the COVID-19 crisis, because as one can plainly see, “Yellow Peril” hysteria dates back at least 150 years. In fact possibly thousands of Chinese were massacred in the United States between 1870 and 1900. The official tally naturally is much lower, but sadly this is a universal phenomenon: when an oppressor massacres an oppressed group, one of the first things they do after the massacre is cover up shit, play down numbers, sweep embarrassing incidents and outrages under the historical rug. In my opinion the number of Asians (mostly Chinese) massacred between 1870 and 1900 is as high as the number of African Americans officially lynched between 1880 and 1950. (I said officially lynched. The true numbers are far higher, as they almost always are in these instances.) American “Yellow Perilism” was so intense that it even infected people north and south of its borders: for instance, the Torreon Massacre of 1911, in which over 300 Chinese were butchered at the hands of lynch mobs, occurred not in benighted Jim Crow America but more “tolerant” Mexico.

“Little Chink, what are you buying?”–two birds with one stone

This might sound far-fetched, but in my view one of the real reasons why Asian-Americans are being attacked–other than emotional fallout from COVID-19 quarantining, and an irrational fear of Chinese World Domination–is because in the past 15-20 years, a younger generation of Asians has emerged that is considerably more outspoken about American racism, and far more willing to call out the hypocrisy of white Americans calling them a “model minority” while at the same time hypersexualizing Asian girls (the more boyish the better), projecting onto Asian women their own unresolved conflicts with white American women.

The young, conscious Asian is no fool. He (or she) clearly sees that “Model Minority” and “Yellow Peril” are two sides of the same coin, one that’s being flipped all too easily. The conscious Asian sees “Yellow Fever” as being a symptom of “Yellow Perilism” just as he can now see that Negrophobia can’t exist without Aunt Jemima, or to be more precise, Cardi B and Candace Owens. (Again, two more sides…of a Cadbury Easter coin.) The conscious Asian can and will say something about the sorry state of affairs of his country, regardless of how ambivalent he might be towards other non-whites, particularly Blacks. However, everyone still assumes that no matter how indignant, even furious, young Asians get about the shitty state of affairs in the United States, they are less inclined to violently fight back against racist attacks than any other persecuted “minority” group.

*Johnathan Rieder, Canarsie: The Jews and Italians of Brookyln Against Liberalism, Harvard University Press, 1985

Why “Drill” Music is Absolute Trash

Why do white liberals love minstrels like Uncle Murda?

It’s a hypothetical question, really–one I already summed up about a decade ago when I wrote “Reactionary Rap and the Black Lumpenproletariat.” The answer to the question is the same answer as to why the record industry has been pushing this slop on the public (especially Black youth) for the past 35 years.

“Drill” Music, in reality, is just revamped and reconstituted Thug Rap for the 21st century. “Drill” music is simply Thug Rap unfiltered, with no ideological, cultural or spiritual pretenses (unlike, say, Tupac or Wu-Tang Clan). All attempts at sounding logical, lyrical or intelligent have been tossed out the window, and now all you have are unapologetically stupid, dirty, ignorant, sexually perverted, violent coloreds (such as the late King Von, to cite one pathetic example) who babble on and on about–well, killing each other. A few of the lyrics listed below should speak for themselves:

Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop
“Chief Keef ain’t ’bout this, Chief ain’t ’bout that”
My boy a BD on fucking Lamron and them
He, he, they say that nigga don’t be putting in no work
Shut the fuck up, y’all niggas ain’t know shit
All y’all motherfuckers talkin’ about
“Chief Keef ain’t no hitter, Chief Keef ain’t this, Chief Keef a fake”
Shut the fuck up, y’all don’t live with that nigga
Y’all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet
Shootin’ at the police and shit
Nigga been on probation since fuckin’ I don’t know when
Motherfucker, stop fuckin’ playin’ him like that
Them niggas savages out there
If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Chief Keef
I’m fucking beatin’ they ass, I’m not fucking playin’ no more
Know them niggas roll with Lil Reese and them
(Young Chop on the beat)

From “Love Sosa” by Chief Keef

Niggas call me Bloodas just like Tee out here (Let’s get it)
Opps be calling Foenem phone, say I don’t be out here (L’s)
Catch him, knock his noodles back, just don’t tweak out here (B-r-r-r-ah)
Foenem slidin, late night hunting, ain’t no sleep out here (Skrt, skrt, skrt)
2 days back to back, that’s 50 racks to be out here (On God)
Can’t have no fefe on yo block as long as Steve out here (B-r-r-r-ah)
Can’t try to slide inside a fish bowl, you got beef out here (Psh)
Law keep wanting to get Zoo out the way, they say he a Chief out here
(Say he a chief out here)
Niggas hoes, they tuck they tails ’cause they be scared (They be scared)
In that Hellcat, on the e-way, off them meds (Off the meds)
Say his name inside this song, my bro said I better not say it
(I better not say it)
Niggas low key want that smoke, you do, you better not say it
(Better not say it)
Get yo ass back in that house, we got FN not 9’s (Not 9’s)
My credit so A1 with killas, I be payin’ my fines (My fines)
Opps be on my dick in songs but I don’t pay them no mind (Pussy)
All them hoes that be with the opps, gang done broke they spine
All the crackers get robbed for they shit, they buy it back (Buy back)
I keep my Glock in her Chanel, that shit cost 5 racks (Shit cost 5 racks)
All these hoes be goin’ for real low-key, just buy them X (Just buy ’em X)
He got shot up in his shit, I hear he tryna flex (Tryna flex)
Never care so much, ran out of woods, just pass the Dutch (Pass the Dutch)
Your homies died, you don’t never slide, it ain’t adding up (It ain’t addin’ up)
Get caught with a pipe, you out same night, you fed or what?
(You fed or what?)
New opp pack in the air, this gas or what?

From “No Auto Durk” by Only the Family

Just got some top, from this stripper bitch
She from Kankakee
Just bought a Glock, with a ruler clip
Boy, don’t play with me
This bitch a ho, met her at store
You know how it goes
She wanna smoke, so I bought some dope
And took her to the O
Just got some top, from this stripper bitch
She from Kankakee
Just bought a Glock, with a ruler clip
Boy, don’t play with me
This bitch a ho, met her at the store
You know how it goes
She wanna smoke, so I bought some dope
And took her to the O

From “Took Her to The O” by King Von

By contrast to this mindless, incoherent drivel T.I.–not one of the most enlightened minds in the Black Culture Industrial Complex (something which is not controlled by Black people)–literally reads like Shakespeare:

I’m the opposite of moderate,
Immaculately polished with the spirit of a hustler and the swagger of a college kid.
Allergic to the counterfeit, impartial to the politics.
Articulate but still would grab a nigga by the collar quick.
Whoever having problems with their record sales just holla tip.
If that don’t work and all else fails, then turn around and follow tip.
I got love for the game but ay I’m not in love with all of it.
Could do without the fame and the rappers nowadays are comedy.
The hootin’ and the hollerin’ back and forth with the arguing.
Where you from, who you know, what you make and what kind of car you in.
Seems as though you lost sight of what’s important when depositin’.
The cheques into your bank account and you up out of poverty.
Your values is a disarray, prioritizing horribly.
Unhappy with the riches ’cause your piss poor morally.
Ignoring all prior advice and fore warning.
And we mighty full of ourselves all of a sudden aren’t we?

T.I. (featuring Rihanna), Live Your Life

No explanation needed here, right?

I have noticed that precious few people have actively criticized Drill music. (Since “Thug Rap” is effectively dead, criticizing it doesn’t carry much weight these days.) There are several reasons for this, I suspect–one being that most of these so-called “rappers” are really cold-blooded killers actually boasting of the crimes they have either committed or will commit. They have absolutely no moral compass and no talent whatever (generally speaking) and the vast majority can’t even keep time–not that they actually give a fuck.

Having said that, I definitely do not believe in censoring these “rappers.” They should be allowed to spit out their retarded word salads unimpeded by censorship laws. Why? For the simple reason that the same people who wish to censor Drill also wish to censor Black Writer in Berlin. In fact the neocons are even more keen on censoring people like me because–let’s face it–we have brains. (Chief Keef clearly has none.) However, in the face of this obnoxious “cancel culture” (coming from both wings of the same dirty political bird) we who have brains will have to put up with this dumb darkie for the time being (at least until he winds up in prison).

Drill Rap is extremely popular in the UK for reasons that are more obvious to me than to the writer of this article. Never mind that Irish, Italian, Turkish, Thai, Chinese, Senegalese, Brazilian and Indian drill rappers pop up like dandelions all over the globe (and why not? One doesn’t need any talent at all to become a “drill rapper,” unlike, say, Hopsin or Immortal Technique, let alone Chuck D)–the main impetus behind this mushrooming of Drill is for the same reasons the zoomer’s grandparents wore Afro-wigs and platform shoes in the seventies: everybody loves The Negro, wants to act out The Negro fantasy–yet nobody really wants to be “The Negro.”


It’s a common saying, thrown about online–mostly by understandably cynical Black people leery of this odd love affair that the non-Black world has with “Black Culture” (which is, sadly, generally what everybody but Black people think of “Black Culture”). Ralph Ellison summed it up best 45 years ago when he wrote that to most non-Blacks (as well as many, many Blacks themselves) “Black Culture” was simply a “projection,” an “identification” of Afro-Americanness with what non-Blacks feel to be “socially unacceptable,” with their own “repressed psychological drives.” That’s why every time I see German cornballs over here in Berlin affecting what they think is “Blackness” my first impulse is to laugh in their fucking faces. This phenomenon isn’t really funny at all, but absurdity (and what else is racism but absurdity carried to its most extreme?) can make one chuckle from time to time.

Yes, it is absurd to see British educators resorting to using ignorant Drill music in order to keep Black British kids from killing each other. (Apparently, it works.) RoadWorks may be snatching these kids out of the jaws of the British penal system (or from an early grave) but they (and Kameron Virk) don’t seem to be keen on pushing Black British minds beyond the extremely narrow (and very primitive and childlike) confines of “Drill.” And naturally no one need question why such a thing as “Drill” needs to exist. Black people–contrary to what colored people think–certainly do not need it. It is not expressing their “reality;” Black reality is not defined by Chief Keef and his dumbass “Opps be on my dick in songs but I don’t pay them no mind (Pussy)“. No: Chief Keef defines NEGRO REALITY.

Negro Reality, in a nutshell, is defined by filth, violence, ignorance, ugliness, sin–precisely those components that make up the entirety of “Drill.” The Negro Reality, of course, is the polar opposite of White Reality. As Zia Sardar writes in Fanon and the Epidemiology of Oppression, “Whiteness, Fanon asserts, has become a symbol of purity, of Justice, Truth, Virginity. It defines what it means to be civilised, modern and human. That is why the Negro knows nothing of the cost of freedom; when he has fought for Liberty and Justice… these were always white liberty and white justice ; that is, values secreted by his masters. Blackness represents the diametrical opposite : in the collective unconsciousness, it stands for ugliness, sin, darkness, immorality. Even the dictionary definition of white means clean and pure.” Drill music, like its addle-brained predecessor Thug Rap, simply reinforces all the old slavery-time/colonial definitions of what means to be African–only this time, as I’ve said, all the intellectual and moral padding that one can find in Tupac, Biggie Smalls or even 50 Cent is sliced out.

They, white leftists and rightists, are in love with The Negro–a creature that most Black people (and not just leftists) have been at war with ever since white racists created him. Very often you will hear a Black person saying “I can’t stand niggers,” or that “niggers” make him/her sick. Actually it isn’t so much self-hate as it is an implicit and often unconscious rejection of that thing called The Negro. “The idealised Negro is equally a construction of the white man,” writes Sardar. “He represents the flip side of the Enlightenment : he is constructed not as a real person with real history but an image. The idealised Negro, the noble savage, is the product of utopian thinkers, such as Sir Thomas Moore, who comes from ‘No place’ and is in the end ‘No person’. This Negro was born out of the need of European humanism to rescue itself from its moral purgatory and project itself, and displace, the original inhabitants of Latin America and the Caribbean.” So it is only natural that any intelligent Black person looking at a fool like Chief Keef (or King Von) would turn up his or her nose. As I begin to recognize that the Negro is the symbol of sin, I catch myself hating The Negro.*

“Here, Fanon is articulating a common feeling,” Zadar continues. “If all you represent – your history, your culture, your very self – is nothing but ugly, naïve and wicked, then it is not surprising that you do not see yourself in a kindly manner. But this neurotic situation is not the route to emancipation. There is only one solution : to raise above the absurd drama that others have staged around me, to reject the two terms that are equally unacceptable, and, through one human being, to reach out for the universal.”

However, this last bit hasn’t happened–least of all with the African American. In America (as elsewhere) the Black person has remained trapped inside the disgusting image/reality/condition called The Negro–much like the figure in Baraka’s poem “An Agony. As Now,” a being stuck “inside someone who hates me,” endlessly turning round and round from generation to generation on the hamster wheel of an ugly, violent, nauseating fantasy…a fantasy that can only be numbed by intoxication or terminated by death. Hence: the very existence of “Drill” music.

*Zia Sardar, “Fanon and the Epidemiology of Oppression,” lundi 30 novembre 2009, Frantz Fanon Intrnational http://www.frantzfanoninternational.org/Fanon-and-the-Epidemiology-of-Oppression

Capitol Chimpout: A Historical Precedent in so-called “French Algeria”

Just a minute ago I stumbled across this footage from YouTube.

Just because the Cracker Coup failed does not mean that “it’s all over” and that “we” can just all come together and “try to heal.” Stop the fucking banality. This kind of sociopolitical upheaval has been observed constantly throughout modern history. When reactionary coups fail, the rage and sentiment that led to the coup does not dissipate overnight. Hell, sometimes it does not dissipate for decades, even centuries. Why else would some of these schmucks be flying Confederate flags inside the Capitol?

For the record, it should be known that this was literally the first time in history in which a conglomerate of neo-Confederates, virulent anti-Semites like Matthew Heimbach, frothing-at-the-mouth nigger-haters like Baked Alaska (and 99% of every other clown inside the Capitol) actually got inside the goddamn place. It didn’t even happen during the Civil War. The level of sheer lunatic rage can’t really be put into words but can be seen in the following videos below:

Settler rage such as this does not die down after being curbed for the time being. Anybody remember the obscenity of Charlottesville, and all the tears that came from Christopher Cantwell and his bloody ilk? Those tears dried up within a few years and not before long the Nazis were in full force again in 2020, using the Coronavirus as an excuse not to wear masks and breathe all over people they imagined to be inferior to them. And then there were the Karens, both male and female, freaking out all over the English-speaking world at the sight of anything non-white (many of these Karens were not white themselves, in particular this high-yaller hipster bimbo Miya Ponsetto who just got arrested for a fascist freakout in SoHo las year). In Michigan last October, a bunch of screwballs calling themselves the Wolverine Watchmen sought to kidnap the Governor of Michigan Gretchen Widmer and overthrow the State Government of Michigan.

There has been a consistent assault by these clowns–whether in groups or individually, as “lone wolves”–on Black people these past few years. Surely not all the victims were Black but the majority were, and the other victims disproportionately tended to be Brown–usually Latinos. Finishing out a strong third were, naturally, Asians (and sadly some of the perpetrators of anti-Asian assaults were Black themselves). Their crime was really just being Asian; it had nothing to do with the Corona pandemic; the pandemic was just a cheap alibi for Nazis to chimpout on Asians.

Southern-Fried-Chicken Terrorists Coming Home to Roost

And if you seriously want to know where all this insanity is leading to, take a look at the video clips below. This is where the country is headed. If you don’t already know about the OAS, or Organisation Armée Secrète, read about them here. Or just watch.

Remember that when you see these bloody clips, you are seeing what America will look like the next fifteen years–assuming that the establishment does not reign in its extreme-right lunatic fringe, and that the left doesn’t do much more than engage in useless, arcane, stupid debates about which political line is correct, or which fucking hairstyle you need to wear in order to engage white supremacy…or, sadly, whether white supremacy actually exists or not.

By the way, there are literally thousands of Raoul Salans in the United States today. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are just two of the most prominent ones.


The man on the left is Serhiy Dybynyn, a so-called “infowarrior” for InterTV, “nominally owned by fugitive oligarch Firtash but beneficially owned by Putin pal Medvedchuk” (Michael McKay). This picture shows him at the ruined airport at Donetsk, Ukraine. The picture below shows him during The Capitol Chimpout four days ago, with horny mammone Jake Angeli (he’s a failed actor who lives at home with his mommy).

No, these pictures are not doctored.