Why Didn’t Anyone Else Think of That?

First off, a word or two about Earl Simmons.

He died about a month ago–I think it was a month. I’m not so sure. To be brutally honest, he’d never done much of value when he was alive, unless its value was completely in the negative. Earl was simply one of those lumpen-thug assholes who got Black America into the cultural cesspool that it’s in today. He was a poor man’s Tupac who spent his entire career upholding shitty stereotypes of Black men–namely, the drug-addled buffoon and Big, Burly Negro.

So, good riddance. Actually, it is rather sad that Earl died but he had to die in order to destroy DMX. He is not the topic of discussion anyway, but we can segue from DMX’s fraudulent con-art into the subject of “struggling.”

All his life this sad individual had been struggling not only with drugs, but (like Tupac) with the phony images of Black “masculinity,” Black “authenticity” and Black “culture”–images which he himself helped to reinforce. Sadly, Earl Simmons had built his entire self-image on these fake images. Earl Simmons was not a “nigger,” but he thought he was a “nigger”–hence, his wasted life and pathetic death. Too many Black men still see him as representative of an uncompromising Blackness. I’m not going to waste my energy explaining why all of this is absolute garbage. Re-read earlier posts I have made on the subject of this useless monkey culture, or if you feel insulted/triggered by everything I’ve said so far about “rap” and the late and unlamented DMX, listen to Eric Grimes’s take on it.

That is why I don’t give a shit about DMX. His “Blackness” was not organic; it was created by the same racist corporate white “Amerikkka” that you cats keep on shrieking about every hour of the fucking day. The same racist corporate white “Amerikkka” that you “struggle” against every hour of the fucking day (even as you put money in their pockets and seek out posh residences in their spaces–yes, I’m talking to you, Patrisse Cullors of fucking Los Angeles!!).

Baldwin addicts (there are a lot of them these days) please take note when he says that:

My own point of view, speaking out of black America, when I had to try to answer that stigma, that species of social curse, it seemed a great mistake to answer in the language of the oppressor. As long as I react as a “nigger,” as long as I protest my case on evidence of assumptions held by others, I’m simply reinforcing those assumptions. As long as I complain about being oppressed, the oppressor is in consolation of knowing that I know my place, so to speak.

Not only did Earl Simmons know his place in Cackistan, but so does “Black Lives Matter,” Incorporated.

A few nights ago I was listening to “House Hunters,” an episode of Champagne Sharks featuring “Trevor, Vida, Ken and Mario.” Somewhere around the thirty minute mark, Vida dropped a small ideological bomb when she explained why she left a so-called “revolutionary” group. Why? “Because,” she said, “they were rooted in struggle and not in progress.”


Who can improve upon this statement?

Furthermore, why didn’t I think of that? Hell, why didn’t anyone else?

It’s important to keep Vida’s statement in mind when regarding this huge rainbow of colorful, loud, impotent and empty “left” or “woke” movements. They are like weeds sprouting through the cracks of American neoliberalism. The vast majority of these movements are predicated around the same old tired theme of “struggle.” The word has such a powerful ring to it that when one hears that usual phrase “in the struggle,” very often one forgets exactly what a “struggle” really means.

Most importantly people have forgotten the whole purpose of a struggle: to move forward at all costs. Struggling is not an end in itself–not even for Trotskyites!!

I would also like to add that (and I didn’t hear part two of the podcast) “struggle” in and of itself has become a global cottage industry. In the United States, it has been for some time. Also the very term “struggle” has all but lost its original meaning. In Vietnam (as opposed to the USA) the “struggle” was an armed one, for the most part–like in Algeria, in Angola, in Cuba and today in certain parts of the Philippines, certain parts of Mexico, India, Israel-Palestine and other places. In the United States and other first world countries, “struggle” is a byword for hollow slogans, pasting up loud and empty posters (like, for instance, here in Berlin), wearing funky clothes, screaming obscenities at cops, etc.

In fact the First World Corporate Left has all but robbed the word “struggle” of any true meaning. George Soros and other corporate entities (such as Nestle) bankroll Black Lives Matter and in the process, they piss off professional Nazis the world over. This does not mean that Nestle is our friend. We should know damn well that these palm oil titans are not the sons of liberty–not when they are utilizing slave labor and destroying rain forests worldwide. This corporate-sponsored “struggle industry,” this Struggle-Industrial Complex, is simply a way of defusing righteous anger, a way of channeling mass discontent away from neoliberal hypernormalization and into online flippancy (re, the so-called “woke” and cancel cultures). BLM has long since exposed itself as a snob-ridden clique of uppity queens. They have succeeded brilliantly in using their homosexuality to guilt-trip/patronize those they feel are beneath them–and as alibis to maximize their own personal fortunes at the expense of their gullible and (quite possibly) somewhat ignorant followers.

That last has to be said, in order to emphasize how (for some people) being gay, black, transgender, a female, a Jew or a Muslim or Asian can be windows of opportunity for amoral and unprincipled assholes. Certain White supremacists have been doing this since the founding of the State of Israel–as if being Jewish gives one an alibi to be a flaming Breitbart. (Sheriff David Cl(d)ark(i)e pulls this same bullshit on behalf of the reactionary, bourgeois colored.)

But the gullible are equally guilty for falling for the same old political con. There is simply no excuse anymore for certain Black people to continue to be as ignorant of such things (and for the same reasons they patronize stores that treat them like shit). Apparently millions of African Americans have learned absolutely nothing since the end of the Black Power Era. Many never will, because they don’t care to; the will to change is just not there. That’s one major reason why the so-called “struggle-industrial complex” actually exists.

On a side note: why on earth are people still giving “Doctor” Umar (Shoemake) Johnson their fucking money? Ten years and counting and this coked-out walrus has yet to produce this “academy” he has been hyping for that time. He has spent a good deal of his time screaming at other assorted crackpots, ex-pimps, hotep-hustlers and the like, and all the silly drama/shenanigans is (again) lining his…

(On second thought, given his character, he’s probably better off (and we are definitely better off) just selling pipe dreams to gullible believers in pork-chop nationalism. Nobody really needs to have Mr. “Sniffles” Shoemake teaching anybody’s fucking kids–let alone some macho, misguided and reactionary cult-nat* bullshit.)


*For millennials who don’t know what a “cult-nat” or a “pork-chop nationalist”** is, it’s the same as a hotep. Gen-Xers like myself (I was born in 1967) used the term in the late eighties to describe “hoteps.” Likewise, “pork-chop nationalist” was used by the Black Panthers in a previous generation to describe the “hoteps” of their era (c.1965-c.1975)

**Interesting side note. After writing these lines, I just realized I had eaten pork-chops for dinner. However, this does not make me a reactionary nationalist.

Shall We Kill Them Now, or Shall We Wait Till We Get Home to Masturbate?

“This is twenty people,” cried Emily Gorcenski, a transgender woman at a violent fascist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on the night of August 11, 2017, “twenty people, standing against what is coming! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?”

The woman was outraged at the total lack of preparedness on the part of the so-called “left” on the night of August 11, 2017. The look of absolute terror on her face was undeniable. As usual, it did not register in the American imagination except as low comedy. “Antifa tranny has major meltdown after seeing how badly they are outnumbered,”  The Saint Negro, obviously a fascist douche-bag, gleefully exclaimed. OG Redneck Moab, another fascist douche (and a cunt, apparently), chortled in response to the woman’s terror, “I can’t stop laughing!!”

“When fascism came back, forty people stood against hundreds,” Ms. Gorcenski continued.

Personally I think things are even worse than what Ms. Gorcenski said at that heated moment. Fascism came back in a myriad of clever formats. It had to if it wanted to be popular. Physical culture, dressing sharp, glamour and a free-wheeling attitude to sexuality were a few important ways that the alt-right managed to capture the imagination of bored white youths looking for alibis to express their racist and xenophobic views. The Alpha Male, Red Pill, PUA movement of the 2000s very easily took sides with the far-right for one main reason: Left-wing prissiness. The New Western Left is prudish, effeminate, snobbish and solipsistic. They are self-righteous and whiny; they are hypocrites. They are also a bunch of rag-tag slobs, especially if they are white; if they are black they tend to be spaced-out Afropunks with massive dreadlocks and crooked, uncombed Afros, knee-grows and she-grows who cry buckets whenever some dumb honky asshole calls them “niggers.”

Identity Evropa, to cite just one example is a well-tailored, clean-cut, masculine-looking bunch that looks as if they stepped out of the late 1940s. They appear to exude strength and resilience, right down to their cold, reptilian, psychopathic stares. The women of the alt-right generally are not fat, whiny slobs but slim and glamorous “ladies” like Faith J. Goldy and Lauren Southern¹–both alleged “authors,” and definitely fascists–the one being rather sly and shifty about her political affiliations and the other simply blunt and to the point about her fascism. (Note: Miss Southern is the author of Barbarians: How Baby Boomers, Immigrants and Islam Screwed My Generation.)

Ryan Beitler, writing for Paste Magazine, says bluntly that “the alt-right is larger than you think, and violence is helping them grow.” Indeed. Beitler goes on to say that “(t)he people who associate with the alt-right aren’t just re-tweeting memes and pissing people off on the internet, they’re organizing to fight for their fascist future. Violence has not only emboldened them to take up similar means of political combat, it has strengthened their cause by making them sympathetic—and therefore appealing—to young people who slip down the slope of racist ideology.”

And sadly, the alt-right is successful largely do to its violence. The glamorous edgy and sexy aspects of the alt-right are merely the icing on their stale angel food cake. The alt-right understands a basic principle that the tree-hugging white left and the shea-butter BLM chicks don’t: that Violence, with a capital fucking “V,”  is the primarily catalyst for historical change.

Peaceful protests do not move history. It’s a cold, hard fact. They don’t. There has never been a single instance in which a peaceful protest, or some sort of gentleman’s agreement, has led to significant advancements in the overall livelihood of homo sapiens sapiens. The reason for this is actually very simple. Human beings have yet to evolve to the point where contentious issues can be resolved by sitting at a round table and working out our differences, or by patting each other on our collective backs and telling each other, “we can work this out.”

Jiddu Krishnamurti, who by all accounts was not in the least violent, once said that “(t)he whole world is caught up in violence, in wars; the very structure of our acquisitive society is essentially violent.” In other words, we are all essentially born and bred and shaped in a civilization whose very foundations are built upon violence. Everything about it, and about us, is violent. The way we talk, not to mention our very vocabulary, is saturated with violence. Our clothing, our handwriting, our sexuality, our way of walking, our way of eating, even the way we breathe is violent. Our antagonism towards one another runs so deep that we are not even capable of genuinely thinking our way out of it: “Surely, it is not a question of how one is not to be violent. The fact is that we are violent, and to ask ‘How am I not to be violent?’ merely creates the ideal, which seems to me to be utterly futile. But if one is capable of looking at violence and understanding it, then perhaps there is a possibility of resolving it totally.”²

If only. Yet if we here in this decaying West are capable of observing and understanding the violence which infests the lives of so many of us–particularly those of us who are not white, and still more precisely those of us who are black–we clearly see and understand who originated it, where it originated and precisely which institutions are perpetuating it, and which social strata have been infected with it. To answer the last question, everyone is infected–even the proponents of nonviolence. “When we obey out of fear,” writes Krishnamurti, “there is violence.”


Naturally these nonviolent protesters think they are taking Dr. King’s words to heart when they naively confront the alt-right. Naturally, they rarely, if ever, show up with bricks and clubs, let alone machine guns–unlike the alt-right, which simply doesn’t care what any of its members do to their racial and political opponents. The alt-right is not merely just another honky minstrel show; it’s a movement made up of psychotics and social deviants* who clearly mean every thing that they say when they talk about killing niggers, kikes, gooks, spics, mudslimes and faggots. The alt-right has proven time and again that they are as willing to kill as they are to die for their goofy, antediluvian beliefs in a “white homeland.” Even the alt-lite, represented by scum like Milo, Gavin MacInness and Ben Shapiro, really aren’t kidding around. Milo really is a fascist, and a violent one, to boot. Milo does not have to put his velvet-gloved hands on anyone–all he needs to do is open his trap and speak. Of course, he believes in the First Amendment and all that crap, much like the rear-guard hacks at Infowars and Fox News do–free speech for himself and his species, that is; the rest of us, in his eyes, simply don’t count.

Neither Black Lives Matter nor their allies can really understand this; they do not realize who and what they are up against, for if they did they would have armed themselves with handguns (at the very least) before setting out to confront the alt-right in Charlottesville. Black “radicals” remain completely clueless as to the aims of the alt-right. They still imagine they are taking on a bunch of disaffected, toothless rednecks. The alt-right wants a Final Solution, and Black radical “Afropunks” want some sort of Kumbaya moment with Jared Taylor, preferably over a cup of ginseng tea. Meanwhile fascist cops in American towns and cities continue to hunt “niggers” like they hunt squirrels; they’ve been doing it for decades, but now these Afropunkass “radicals” are “tired” of it all.

Unfortunately, they have picked the wrong moment in history to be “tired” in the face of fascism.

On August 12, 2017 the “radicals” were down in Charlottesville shouting profanities at the Nazis and chanting the usual “No Nazi scum” bollocks. I call it “bollocks” because to a hardcore Nazi these chants are merely amusing, like water off a goddamned duck’s back. They were lucky to have Antifa to back them up in the streets, for at least Antifa halfway gets the fucking point concerning the alt-right. Nazis don’t understand the concept of nonviolenceThat is why one protester wound up dead at the hands of the Nazis, and why the alt-right won yet again. (Yeah, they did. They won. Score one for the Nazis and score zero for the loopy Black Lives Mammies, who all had their panties in a bunch over who shot John.)

The writing is on the wall for the African-American and he refuses to read it. It is not hard to understand why the African American refuses to read it. It is not hard to understand why this darkie will not connect the dots, and see the obvious connection between the killer cops and the alt-right’s kicking his ass in the streets. As for the latter, the cops and the alt-right are essentially on the same team–it has been well-established that the far-right has been infiltrating American law enforcement for decades, and that many, many cops who are not officially on the far-right are still, nonetheless, brutally racist towards Blacks. (Including, naturally, black, brown and yellow cops.)

As for the former–well, let’s be blunt. This soft little Negro is always willing to forgive his tormentor in the end. The Nazi has been quick to take advantage of the fact that his primary opponent (the Negro) simply has no balls. This is yet another cold, hard fact that we must contend with. The American Negro is essentially castrated; he can only assert himself physically against another, weaker Negro or, at the very least, in the bedroom. Frantz Fanon was dead accurate in his assessment when he proclaimed that “the black man is not a man” and that he wishes he were “white.” Loaded down with an anachronistic colonial-era “double consciousness,” which most Africans throughout the world long ago rid themselves of, this whitened African American–educated or uneducated–wants an “honest and forthright dialogue” with violent white supremacists–a la Cornel West, the master of dialogue and prayer vigils in the face of a rising Fourth Reich.

But no dialogue is possible with Nazis because Nazis lie. Nazis may be human but their concept of what makes a human is entirely limited to what they define as human–and we, by their definitions, simply aren’t human beings. Period. Nazi ideology only makes sense if one is willing to accept the idea that human hierarchies are natural and God-given. Of course, the current set of racial, ethnic and class hierarchies that exist throughout the world are entirely man-made, and upon close inspection are generally the product of (and are upheld by) spiteful men.

People are not born to lord it over other people simply because they have a different skin color or hair texture or nose or eye shape, or because they pray in a different temple, or because they don’t go to bed with someone of the opposite fucking gender. Only children believe these things, and all racists are children, as James Baldwin once said. The fact that a bunch of white thugs are incapable of growing up and facing the responsibilities of living in civilized society is not our problem. Our problem is to protect ourselves against Nazis because they use any excuse to flex their perpetually tense muscles. They use any alibi to puke out onto us the insanity and confusion raging inside their skulls. There’s no question that they are psychotically violent. The only question now is why are we still treating Nazis with kid gloves. We know what Nazis are, let’s not fool ourselves. They are our enemies–period. After so many books, documentaries, films and other media have been issued detailing the inner workings of the Nazi mind; after Hitler, after Auschwitz, after King Leopold,  after Mussolini, after Apartheid, after Jim Crow, after Pinochet–we, who supposedly understand just how horrifically destructive the ideology of white supremacy is, want to pull rank just when the alt-right is pulling out its bombs.

“It goes without saying that (Antifa’s) frustration is valid and tangible,” writes Ryan Beitler for Paste, “but the problem is that violence never effectively puts a halt to a political movement. On the contrary, it emboldens that movement to use the same tactics and gain sympathy from new supporters.” So it goes. The left is damned if it does something, apparently, but it is equally damned if it does nothing. Nonviolent protests (as we have seen) inspire their scorn but violent resistance emboldens them and encourages the alt-right to adapt ever more brutal tactics to achieve their insane goals. So far, not one member of Antifa has killed a member of the alt-right. You may say that violence is not the answer, and parrot that old shopworn homily that “an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.” But one has to understand that this is not 1961, nor are we dealing with British colonial authorities in 1933 India who, after all, made up a tiny minority in that nation and who did not have nuclear warheads at their disposal.

The fact is that we have every legitimate reason in the world to kill the alt-right.³ We don’t have to hate them to realize that we must kill them. We don’t even need to ask why we must kill them. If we don’t kill them, they will kill us. It sounds hopelessly romantic, even corny, but it’s true. From a very practical standpoint, you cannot be complacent anywhere on this earth when the alt-right goes mainstream in the world’s only superpower. You cannot be complacent when Nazis worm their way to the top of the world’s political food chain. The last time we dragged our feet in deciding what to do with Nazis we found ourselves in a World War. If we continue to drag our feet today these Nazis will very soon be in control of the world’s largest nuclear arsenal. Do we, as a species, as homo sapiens sapiens, really need to deal with that? Do we need to face our own extinction, simply because a handful of Nordic Neanderthals disingenuously insist upon their so-called “right to free speech”?


Fascists in America routinely get away with violence because they know that they have a clear field of it. Urban “gangstas” are too busy killing each other. Mainstream “minority” leadership wants to stay out of such conflicts altogether. Only Antifa and New-Afrikan communists and anarchists are seriously going to challenge them, and the latter are few and far between; when they do show their faces everyone is outraged and no one is more horrified at the prospect of black terrorism than the rank-and-file Black American. When Gavin Long, a radical black blogger and ex-Marine shot three cops in Baton Rouge last July, the entire Western press frothed at the mouth (as they usually do in these instances). Mainstream Black America frothed along with mainstream White America. It had occurred to few people that Gavin Long, terrorist or no, had merely flipped the tables on a notoriously violent and corrupt police department, as had Micah Xavier Johnson in Houston; neither man was a Mau Mau, let alone an Algerian fellagha or even Huey Newton. (It is worth noting at this point that both Johnson and Long were by-products of the U.S. military machine, and both had spotless backgrounds. Neither was a stereotypical pot-smoking, gun-wielding, illiterate “thug.” Both served their country with honors.) The late Micah Johnson and the late Gavin Long were “monsters” not so much because they really were violent black chauvinists but because they had the temerity to commit “outrageous” acts against American law enforcement–“outrageous,” in Western minds, because neither Mr. Johnson nor Mr. Long were Green Mountain Boys or Sinn Fein patriots. To paraphrase James Baldwin, any black man who sees the world the way John Wayne sees it is simply “stark raving mad.”

Of course, to be fair, the late white James Hodgkinson was also perceived as being–and to be truthful, certainly was–“mad” for shooting House Majority Whip Steve Scalise. There was a bipartisan response in Congress condemning the attacks and well-wishing from all around to Representative Scalise–a homophobic bigot whose views chime very well with those of the alt-right.

To all of which I can only say–and to bring up Baldwin again–“people who treat other people as less than human must not be surprised when the bread they have cast on the waters comes floating back to them, poisoned.”


¹Here we have two cracker Canucks–crackeresses, to be precise–one of whom (Miss Southern) dragged her dirty ass all the way from Canada to prevent an “invasion” of Sicily by a handful of displaced African migrants. The migrants were unarmed and apparently malnourished, but in Miss Southern’s mind they were oversexed, jihad-prone Saracens armed with hard-ons, cross-bows and scimitars. Miss Goldy-locks is a Greek Orthodox skank who sexed herself up just for the Charlottesville Massacre, and had a cameraman follow her about while she loudly complained that the fuzz wouldn’t let the fash march anymore, that her extreme-right views (and her fellow honky patriots) were being sidelined by Black Lives Matter “niggers” and Antifa “commie Jew fags.” (She didn’t use those slurs, but she was “on code” at that moment, so it didn’t matter what she said.) Her whole shtick at that moment was to flip the script on the lefties and coons about “inclusion” and “diversity,” but in a typical display of bald-faced hypocrisy, the bitch expressed “horror” and “shock” when fascist James Alex Fields, Jr., allegedly “out of fear,” ran over several protesters with a car. Goldy-locks stopped her Mata Hari shtick and began crying, “Holy shit! Holy shit!…People are badly hurt! We need medics, we need ambulances!” Actually, cunt, what we need is for people like you (and that Southern hoe) to drop dead so that shit like this doesn’t happen again.

²Jiddu Krishnamurti, The Book of Life

³Edward Snowden: “Every act of progression in our nation’s history has involved tension with law. Whether it was the abolition of slavery, whether it was the enfranchisement of women, whether it was the birth of our nation–laws were broken, and that’s because the laws were wrong.”

*In this regard, they are no different than Hitler’s Brown Shirts.